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SVA Brake Pipe Fixing Minimum Distance
mccsp - 29/12/08 at 04:59 PM


Tried searching and I have left my SVA manual at a friends.

Does anyoneknow the sva required minimum distance between brake pipe fixings?

Also, in case I don't make SVA does anyone know if this requirement is changing for IVA?

[Edited on 29/12/08 by mccsp]

adithorp - 29/12/08 at 05:06 PM

Its not specified for brake pipes. Just says securely attached.

For wiring it says minimum of every 300mm and I stuck with that for the brake pipes as well.


chris_smith - 29/12/08 at 05:18 PM

^^^^^what adithorp says but i attached the brakes min of 200mm iirc pics in my archive if it helps, oh and i havent passed sva yet so dont take mine as a perfect example


[Edited on 29/12/08 by chris_smith]

mccsp - 29/12/08 at 06:26 PM


What about fuel lines?

adithorp - 29/12/08 at 06:38 PM

Same applies for fuel pipes.

Mine are attached at less than 300mm. Couldn' say for sure without looking at them but I'd say 200mm.


adithorp - 29/12/08 at 06:39 PM

Same applies for fuel pipes.

Mine are attached at less than 300mm. Couldn' say for sure without looking at them but I'd say 200mm.


Shamrock GS - 29/12/08 at 09:26 PM

Petrol and brake pipes on mine are fixed at 20mm intervals for straight runs and less round corners etc. As Adrian says they just need to be 'secure' with no chance of vibration damage etc
