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A1 - 29/1/09 at 05:57 PM

regarding insurance companies- DONT GO WITH NIG DIRECT!! theyve been buggering me about over my claim like nothing else. after making the deal and sending me the cheque, theyve decided to change the deal and reclassify my car, so now i cant buy the salvage...every person you talk to says different things.
im fuming to put it nicely - 29/1/09 at 06:04 PM

If you have a disagreement with the insurance company then you should go through their internal complaints procedure, then ultimately you will be able to go to the FSA. Depends on how much hassle you are prepared to take and how strongly you believe your complaint is.


Mark Allanson - 29/1/09 at 07:01 PM

I used to be an independent insurance assessor, I am guessing they have changed the classification from C to B. Don't bother with their internal procedure, go straight to the ombudsman, it costs them £300 for every referral, and if you have written proof that the agreement was for you to retain the salvage, they will get murdered. If it gets really silly, engage your own assessor, should only cost about £50-80 and will really sew up the case.

A1 - 29/1/09 at 07:26 PM

theyre trying to put it from d to b... i wasnt told originally what class it was, they gave me money to buy a new kit, but i never signed anything. then when the salvagers came to pick it up i found out it was class d so i phoned them and asked about buying the salvage, they said okay and that theyd get a price for it, then today i found out that the senior engineer was looking at the case to try and change the class as the chassis, engine and a bit of the front suspension is damaged. thing is that they have no experience in kitcars, so they dont know how easy it is to fix the salvagers are trying to get rid of my car when ive not signed it over to them or the insurance company, but apparently its cleared for 'disposal'

ashg - 29/1/09 at 07:31 PM

You should have negotiated the buy back as part of the settlement figure. Now they have paid out you have little chance of getting the car back.

Not to say that it’s not worth trying

grazzledazzle - 29/1/09 at 07:34 PM

Add flux to that list.

Pulsar - 29/1/09 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by grazzledazzle
Add flux to that list.

Adrian Flux?

grazzledazzle - 29/1/09 at 08:25 PM

In my experience I'm afraid so.
I would read your policy small print carefully. I had heard bad things about them in the past, but had about most insurers to be honest, so thought i would give them a go. There is a reason why the premiums are cheap.
I don't want to say any more on the matter but i would check your cover carefully, along with terms and conditions.

Pulsar - 29/1/09 at 08:57 PM

I didn't find their premiums cheap anyway.

omega0684 - 29/1/09 at 09:38 PM

i used to work with the insurance companies, IIRC NIG are underwritten by the RBS group, absolute W**kers the lot of them! they are all monkeys flicking S**t at each other all day long, i wouldn't even through a penny at then, what a waste of space they all are, sorry to here about your complicated situation!

A1 - 30/1/09 at 12:27 AM

aah! if its part of rbs that explains alot...the bank arent exactly high on my friends list right now either

Hellfire - 30/1/09 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by grazzledazzle
In my experience I'm afraid so.
I would read your policy small print carefully. I had heard bad things about them in the past, but had about most insurers to be honest, so thought i would give them a go. There is a reason why the premiums are cheap.
I don't want to say any more on the matter but i would check your cover carefully, along with terms and conditions.

We've always been insured with Adrian Flux simply because they have always been the cheapest. Our old man wrote off our first Indy and we had to make a claim on the policy. Found them to be extremely helpful and the whole claim was sorted within a month.

Don't forget though that Adrian Flux are only brokers, so actual experiences with different insurance companies may differ.
