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Pass at Exeter (at last!)
MautoK - 16/3/09 at 04:22 PM

At last I've got my SVA!!!
After grief with the MK's speedometer, tow car problems and a week away, it's eventually passed.
DVLA now have the MAC and other paperwork so it's up to them now.

I'd like to thank the many people who run and contribute to this wonderful forum for all the help, hints and tips, dos and don'ts, both direct and indirect, that have eased the coming of this day after (only) 6 1/2 years.


coozer - 16/3/09 at 04:24 PM

Congrats, dvla shouldn't be too much trouble, fingers crossed!


vinny1275 - 16/3/09 at 04:24 PM


vindicator - 16/3/09 at 04:26 PM

should have finished it earlier and been driving around in it for years......Well Done.....

MautoK - 16/3/09 at 04:33 PM

When I picked up the chassis and bits from MK back in August 03 I thought I'd be on the road the following Easter!
Little did I realise that 2009 followed straight on from 2003!

vindicator - 16/3/09 at 04:35 PM

well at least all you have to do now is sit back and chase dvla for the paper work and a number. then you will be hitting the open roads....

Stuart_B - 16/3/09 at 04:35 PM

well done. hope the dvla are not to much trouble, and you can get on the road and driving.


andrew.carwithen - 16/3/09 at 06:33 PM

Well done and congratultions!
Did you get it inspected by the DVLA today, too?
(He's usually in the office on Mondays and when I passed, I trailered it around there straight after and persuaded him to inspect it there and then.)

adithorp - 16/3/09 at 07:38 PM

Nice one!

What a coincidence that the end of your planned 6.5year build was just in time for SVA.


MautoK - 16/3/09 at 07:41 PM

Thanks Andrew,

Mark came to my house to inspect the car, paperwork, provenance, etc.
I had taken the car to DVLA Exeter a few weeks ago but chose a day when he wasn't on site. Of course, nobody else could have done it in his absence
So I left the inspection request form with them and he contacted me shortly after to fix the visit. Genuinely interested in the car and not your average jobsworth!
I just hope the rest of the DVLA folks are as much on the ball and get my registration fixed up in good time. I'll be twitching every morning as Mr Postie approaches!

MautoK - 16/3/09 at 07:43 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Nice one!

What a coincidence that the end of your planned 6.5year build was just in time for SVA.


All part of the grand strategic plan

richwill - 19/3/09 at 04:00 PM

Hi John
I was in the blue luego that was being sva tested before you.
Your car looked great. I didnt get a chance to speak as i got caught up in the events of the day and just wanted to get back and sort out the points i failed on.
I will hope to get retested shortly.
I hope you get your registration sorted quickly and get to enjoy the car after the time spent on building it.
I have spent 4 years on mine and cant wait to get on the road.

MautoK - 19/3/09 at 04:27 PM

Your car looks good.
I trust you don't have too many things to fix.
I must say, Byron's a top guy - very fair.
Hopefully see you out and about soon!

Vindi_andy - 19/3/09 at 04:31 PM

you got a home inspection? you lucky sod!

Notts will only do inspections at their offices and the car has to be trailered

Anyway congratulations hopefully wont be to far behind u got my SVA on 23rd April

filiperosa - 24/3/09 at 03:47 PM


MautoK - 27/3/09 at 12:03 PM

Still waiting for the V5, tax disc and no. plate permit...