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Connector for front lights
Findlay234 - 20/3/09 at 10:41 AM

Just a question about connecting up the front lights... At the moment ive just soldered up the connections. Is this ok that the headlights are permanantly hooked up to the loom or do they need to be through a connector that can be disconnected? If so where can i source a connector like this?


iiyama - 20/3/09 at 10:43 AM

bout 3/4 down the page

Findlay234 - 20/3/09 at 10:47 AM

but are connectors necessary? Could bullet connectors be used?


iiyama - 20/3/09 at 10:48 AM

I guess you could but why would you when the proper connector is available? Unless Im missunderstanding you of course!!

Findlay234 - 20/3/09 at 10:57 AM

The lamp has its own loom already. its just at the end of the loom there is a connector but i dont have the other side. Ie the female side that is crimped to the vehicle loom.

iank - 20/3/09 at 10:59 AM

I can't recall any rules in SVA requiring headlights to be connected to the loom by connectors. So long as there's no danger of the soldered or bullet connectors causing shorts you should be fine.

02GF74 - 20/3/09 at 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Findlay234
but are connectors necessary? Could bullet connectors be used?


not sure if you are saying you have solder the wires to the lightbulb itself? if so, not so good as you will have trouble replacing a bulb.

now the type of headlamp buld decide which connector you should use - common one in 7 inch 7 headlamp unit is H4 bult -this has 3 connections on 3 sides of a squre. There is a connecotr that fits but I have 3 tag connectors for the ones in my land rover and not had any issues.

mad-butcher - 20/3/09 at 03:33 PM

While seeing were you're coming from I would say no you don't need a connector. in practice you need a way of removing the headlamp assembly. generaly speaking 4 wires exit the headlamp shell via the securing bolt
which in turn goes thru the mounting bracket and thru the securing nut, making even a proper connector impossible to use as it won't pass thru the nut. I used a chocky block connector mounted in a small project box.


Hellfire - 20/3/09 at 04:45 PM

I used Spade Connectors with water resistant boots.... just to keep the bulk down.
