Just got my first parking ticket and am fuming about it. now before i get 'just pay it' comments i would like to say i was in the wrong, but
under the conditions i feel it was wrong to issue it and i also think the ticket is wrong anyway.
so here goes:
was parked up in Merry Hill dudley this afternoon on the main retail carpark. i lazily parked the car which meant my drivers side was taking up about
1 foot of the ajoining parking bay. The carpark was 2% full and i thought nothing of it. came out of Decathalon sports shop to see i had been given a
ticket but i think its wrong.
First off the ticket has a list of 'contraventions' which the guy has ticked the one that says 'vehicle causing an obstruction'
but it then has in the 'other contravention' box writen by hand 'parked over 2 bays'.
However the box isnt ticked for this 'other' option.
My questions are this..
1: what is the standard fine for a UKPC ticket?
2: i was driving but its my girlfriends car who was with me (I am insured) does she have to name me when she replies saying she wasnt the driver?
3: has the ticket been filled out wrong by saying i was obstructing someone in an empty carpark and/or then filling in one of the other options
without ticking the box for it.
Who was i obstructing? i have taken a photo of it on my phone showing the full carpark also and i was doing this a guy said he saw the warden take to
close up shots of the car. i think i was lucky he had gone becuase im in a vbad mood anyway and may well have got myself into much more trouble.
im not paying the fine, but i just want to know what is the likley cost of loosing the arguement (as they never lose right?).
thanks lads.
[Edited on 18/9/09 by Moorron]
Your not going to like this....nor do I, but tickets long term, make you modify your behaviour.
In other words, you will take more notice of how you park, where you park and notices around you. I've been caught out by badly signed bays
before, but now I double check.
Not the comfort you wanted to hear.
I have been done like this, if you read the rules of the car park - in fact nearly all car parks it will say somewhere that you must park in one
I appealed because I couldnt park straight because of the idiot who parked crooked in the space next to the one I parked in and there was no more
spaces - I LOST, cost me £40.00.
I think you will end up paying it as it is a private car park they can make up the rules as they go along!!
If you were not obstructing anything, and your photo proves that, you have a fair case.
If a body is going to penalise you, they must be squeaky clean, they cannot say "oops I ticked the wrong box - makes no difference the
fine's the same"
Its the jobworth attitude of these t@@@s that anoys more than the ticket isnt it.....
Fight it!!
Originally posted by Moorron
My questions are this..
1: what is the standard fine for a UKPC ticket?
you too £ 120 reduced to £ 60 if paid within 14 days, no need to know how I know that
2: i was driving but its my girlfriends car who was with me (I am insured) does she have to name me when she replies saying she wasnt the driver?
pretty sure she has to name the dirver. there was this thing going that to name the driver you would incriminate yourself, doubt it would work.
3: has the ticket been filled out wrong by saying i was obstructing someone in an empty carpark and/or then filling in one of the other options without ticking the box for it.
Who was i obstructing? i have taken a photo of it on my phone showing the full carpark also and i was doing this a guy said he saw the warden take to close up shots of the car.
you were obstructin whoever would have wanted to park in the next bay; doubt it holds much water with the court if noone wanted to use that bay. you transgressed the rules that will be up on signs. tough titties I'm afrtaid
im not paying the fine, but i just want to know what is the likley cost of loosing the argument (as they never lose right?).
it will work out cheaper to pay the £ 60 and be more careful in furture.
yeh i think im on a loser here. Just got back from Spain last night and was saying to her how everyone in britain just wants to ripoff the next and
it has modified my behavour already, i took the kitcar out and made myself feel better lol. i was thinking i might get a £60 fine so £40 after arguing
is worth the fun to be honest.
If you dont pay i *think* the only thing they can do is take you to small claims court as the only thing you have done is breach of contract, by
parking your car on their private land you are accepting the "rules" of contract as written on the signs.
I left my car in a retail car park as i had been drinking and there was no where else to leave the car, came to pick it up in the morning and had been
given a £50 fine
The only tickets you have to pay are from traffic wardens and council wardens. If it is some company that enforces this, is not leagaly
My friend got one and they kept sending to him, still hasn`t paid and that was about 3+ years ago!
From what I've read in various places: If you get a ticket from a parking warden or the police on a public highway, then you must pay. If however
you get a "ticket" from a private company in a private car park, then you do not have to - they can ask the DVLA for the registered
keeper's details and write to them, but they can simply say that they were not the driver (this means that they cannot have consented to the
rules on the signs and therefore have not entered into a contract and cannot themselves be held liable) there is nothing in law that allows the
parking company to demand the driver's details (they will however keep trying and may send threatening letters, but your gf can respond that she
cannot/will not name the driver and that any further letters will be considered harrassment).
Google on this subject and you'll find heaps of information.
hi if you read you can say our car was broke down. if you get a invoice from a garage wink wink. they will right it off
as others have posted,unless it is a council car park,the "contract" is between the driver and the car park operator,ask them to name the
driver who may or may not be the registered keeper,if they cannot name the driver then tell them to swivel.
have a word on pipepo (sp) or piston heads for a standard letter to send.
Have to start by saying that I'm a considerate parker!
I have however had a couple of dubious 'private' parking ticket and I've ignored them all. None ever came to anything.
Don't know if I'm just lucky, or what... ???
I take the stance that it's not in their interest to pursue it as the time / costs incurred by them to take me to court is grossly
disproportionate to the initial 'fine'. For every one of me, there'll be another couple of dozens of suckers who cough straight up!
If it's been issued by a Police Parking Warden or a Council Parking Warden, then it's a completely different ball-game! PAY IT! Folk have
had warrants issued for non-payment and some have even gone to jail (admittedly, they took the piss!).
listen to this on i player it was on radio 2 today!!
Tom link
[Edited on 18/9/09 by tomblyth]
Definately don't pay. I've appealed the last two local authority tickets I got and got a standard response saying that although thoey don't accept I was right they are using their discretion to waive the fine.
I've only ever had one parking ticket. I parked in one area and used the wrong machine which was meant for another area where it was about 20p
more expensive.
I then wrote them a letter spinning a web of lies and fabrications. I told them great, massive lies with fecking bells hanging off them
I was let off. Ha! Idiots! I win!
found a website on just this company. bassically its a con, dont pay or even respond to them.
sorted then.
thanks for info on here too.
made my day.
Yeah it means naff all on a private park, unless they clamp you and that has changed from today I believe.
Look how many people ignore the disabled parking spaces in supermarket car parks.
A little bit immoral maybe but they certainly arnt bothered.
Don't be so lazy next time and park up properly, have you no pride?
Family friend was "done" in a similar fashion, was given this link.
See below.(hope it works)
Originally posted by whitestu
Definately don't pay. I've appealed the last two local authority tickets I got and got a standard response saying that although thoey don't accept I was right they are using their discretion to waive the fine.