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tax renewel and MOT
woodhead666 - 8/2/10 at 03:13 PM


Have just got my renewel for tax, it wont let me retax online as it says there is no valid MOT, car was SVA'd sept 2008 and registerted march 2009 on age related plate.

Have spoken to DVLA and they say it needs an MOT to renewl as it is an aged related plate, if it was a Q plate it didn't.

Spoke to VOSA and they say that its coverd for 3 years but they can not overule DVLA.

Anyone had this problem

Alan M - 8/2/10 at 03:26 PM

I got a reminder from DVLA, taxed online, no MOT required. SVA'd last April, registered June, with age related plate

woodhead666 - 8/2/10 at 03:26 PM

Have just read an earlier post about this.

On my log book it says first registration febuary 1993, but date of first registration in the uk is march 2009.

phoenix70 - 8/2/10 at 03:33 PM

Yup thats a normal gotcha. My log book was the same, so I sent it back and got them to correct it.
The date of registration should be the date you registered the car.

Unfortunately you've got two choices really:

MOT the car or

wait for the DVLA to sort it out (should take them less than a month but don't quote me on that)

[Edited on 8/2/10 by phoenix70]

woodhead666 - 8/2/10 at 03:40 PM

Thanks for the replies.

Probably get it MOT'd as it is easier.

Will make sure it is done properly next time.

nitram38 - 8/2/10 at 05:25 PM

Dont MOT otherwise it will be MOT'able forever after irrespective if you change your docs

stupott901 - 8/2/10 at 08:10 PM

hi I had this problem a couple of weeks ago so i phoned DVLA and spoke to the Bristol office where i got it registered

they said it does not need MOT and to tax it there which they did with no problems