After a long session at my local MOT station who very kindly let me adjust the carbs and retest several times inbetween him doing MOTs. ZZR1200 on
carbs ,I mananged to get all the perameters met. It took a long time to get the cats hot even with pipe lagging, but once they did the readings fell.
What a relief. Now to get the noise down. Just received a delivery of sound deadening mats for under bonnet and I will repack both cans.....Getting
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Excuse me for being thick (I blame my diet ), but I thought the sound measurement at the IVA was all about the exhaust note?
Can I assume that they check the overall noise from the car then?
They hold a noise meter 0.5m from the exhaust but it still picks up engine and induction noise.
When I had the avon, on track days we would cover the engine in a fire blanket during the noise checks it made a huge difference. They check .5m away from the exhaust at 45 degrees. Induction noise can make a big difference.
so, did you have to wrap your whole exhaust in exhaust wrap? just thinking coz my cat will have to be about 120cm from the engine. will need to wrap
the exhaust anyway, otherwise the passenger's going to get very toasty legs.
wonder what problems would be caused by wrapping the engine in fire blankets sort of permanantly, leaving just air intake and exhaust sticking out.
lots of over heating problems i suppose
yes I have wrapped all the headers and the pipes to the cats. As its mid engiine getting the heat out could be a problem.
i would not think you should have no overheating problems if you have agood radiator