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Fireblade emmisions
Berwyn - 9/7/04 at 10:29 AM

Failed the MOT yesterday on emmisions and no number plate
Number plate i can sort by getting the garage to read the f'ing manual or calling VOSA, but the emissions thing could be a problem. The engine is a blade 1993 , so needs to meet 3.5% CO and 12,000 hydrocarbons. It is currently running at 6% . Is this going to be tricky or is there a simple screw to wind in on the carbs???

Hellfire - 9/7/04 at 11:30 AM


There is no simple adjustment screw on carbs. If I were you, I wouldn't bother worrying about it. When we had ours MOT tested (1995 RRS) they said they had no emmissions criteria to measure it against on their computer.

It passed emmissions at SVA with flying colours.

As everything else seems OK, I'd go for SVA and hope it passes that.

alister667 - 9/7/04 at 11:54 AM

Hmmm think you were stuffed twice there. Certainly in Northern Ireland - and I'm *pretty* sure it's the same for the rest of the UK the emmissions test for any kit car is the visible smoke test only.
I.e. if the engine isn't producing excessive smoke then it's deemed a pass.
Certainly that's what my MOT (done at a government run test centre) consisted off. I even rang before hand to confrim this was the case - and had that explained to me.
I've seen other folks from the mainland mention the visible smoke test / MOT thing before as well on here.
Sounds like you were swizzled out of a pass!

Better luck next time


Jon Ison - 9/7/04 at 11:59 AM

I think A is right, smoke test only int it on Kit cars

Berwyn - 9/7/04 at 12:13 PM

I called VOSA and they said that it only needs a visual smoke test and that the garage should have written NON DISPLAYED for the reg plate.
I called Cardiff SVA station and they said that for that year of engine it needs to pass the 3.5%CO & 12,000 HC test, but he agreed with the NON DISPLAYED part. I am waiting for my SVA date from Bristol, so i have called them, and they said, Ooh, we'll call you back........
I'm waiting

But thanks for the info so far guys.

[Edited on 9/7/04 by Berwyn]

Jon Ison - 9/7/04 at 12:15 PM

at least you know now, good luck with the SVA, you'l get thru it i'm sure...

Hellfire - 9/7/04 at 12:21 PM

Forget the MOT. Good luck with SVA.

Berwyn - 9/7/04 at 03:46 PM

Bristol VRO got back to me and implied there has been a recent change ! It does need a CO test, and must be below 3.5, but they dont need to do a hydrocarbon test.

Hellfire - 9/7/04 at 05:48 PM


Our standard engine (dyno'd) obviously passed the SVA with this, no adjustments were necessary! It's not a recent change at all for the 3.5 it's been this since Jan 2004 IIRC

Just make sure it's warm and all potential exhaust 'sucks' are sealed. Good luck!

[Edited on 9-7-04 by Hellfire]

Berwyn - 9/7/04 at 07:18 PM

Thanks for that HellFire.
I hope mine goes through too

I'll let you know.

paulbeyer - 9/7/04 at 08:32 PM


If you want someone to come along for your SVA test I'm happy to help out.

Lightning - 9/7/04 at 08:52 PM

Mine failed on tick over , but passed when taken to apparently allowable 2000revs.
Off of idle jets.

Berwyn - 10/7/04 at 09:12 AM

Paul, thats very kind of you. Your most welcome my friend, but dont worry if you can't make it as I will be taking time off work. I have requested this Friday, but am still waiting for written confirmation. I'll ley you know when it comes through.

Thanks for that snippet Lightning, sounds like that may come in useful.

spunky - 10/7/04 at 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Berwyn
Bristol VRO got back to me and implied there has been a recent change ! It does need a CO test, and must be below 3.5, but they dont need to do a hydrocarbon test.

This is bloody frustratingto
Lincoln VRO ofice confirmed with me only last week that there is no emissions test at MOT for kit cars, also confirmed with my MOT station.
Infact, after all the tw@ting about to get mine through SVA. When I'm handed the MAC ticket, under CO and HC it states n/a.

The lack of consistancy/communication really winds me up, and I've passed


J Alderman - 12/7/04 at 12:37 PM

On the subject of emmissions

My CBR1000 failed the emmissions at the SVA the first time. Hydrocarbons to high.

To solve this I mearly ballanced the carbs.
the result was a reduction in all the emmissions.



Mk-Ninja - 12/7/04 at 08:51 PM

Totaly agree with you Snoopy, the emisions test for BECs is totaly illogical.