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DVL Chelmsford Epic
PeterV - 16/4/12 at 08:43 PM

DVLA Chelmsford’s efforts at getting the WLR registered is not a shining example of efficiency. The process ended up being as follows:

  1. 1st March - Hand in documents at DVLA Chelmsford counter
  2. 6th March - Letter from DVLA to arrange inspection
  3. 21st March - car inspected at DVLA Chelmsford. Agreed that a Q plate would be the very best option (which is exactly what I had asked for and wanted).
  4. 26th March - Letter form DVLA informing me that an insurance certificate would be required based on the chassis number and a Q plate would be issued.
  5. 29th March - Insurance document sent by recorded delivery to DVLA Chelmsford.
  6. 30th March - Letter delivered and signed for by member of DVLA Chelmsford staff.
  7. 10th April - Contacted DVLA by phone at 13.30, was promised a call back within 2 hours
  8. 11th April - Call back from DVLA Chelmsford was finally received at 09.40 stating they had not received insurance documents (they had see above).
  9. 11th April - Called DVLA to inform them off all the recorded delivery information regarding the insurance documents. Was promised a call back within 2 hours.
  10. 11th April - within 35 mins man phones as says “We found your documents they had been miss filed. We will post everything to you today
  11. 11th April - 2pm Email with registration number arrives as requested on previous phone conversation.
  12. 12th April - Nothing.
  13. 13th April - We wait...... Finally the tax disc and pre reg documents arrive

You'd never believe we all actually pay for this service!!

Finally I can get the plates made and by the afternoon of the 14th we are on the road. Now the fun can really begin. Well almost.........

Problem 1 is the car chases ruts in the road as if it's a damn train. All the work on nice bits of straight tarmac with slow curves are proving to be a bit of a miss lead as there is a lot more work to do for the real road.

Problem 2 with anything more than 20 Litres of fuel the engine miss fires (after a longish run) as if suffering fuel starvation. Again testing with minimum fuel loads never prepared me for this major hiccup.

So time to start the work on the road going car I guess

britishtrident - 16/4/12 at 08:53 PM

It looks like you need to look at fuel tank vent to fix the fuel starvation.

Re. tramlinine; start with checking the tyres pressures and damper settings aren't too hard, if no improvement check toe/alignment and corner weights.

[Edited on 16/4/12 by britishtrident]

matt_gsxr - 16/4/12 at 09:01 PM

Welcome to the world of kit car ownership.

The IVA is just the beginning. It takes a while to get things working perfectly.
My tyres used to throw me all over the road, no-one told me that ACB10's were a bit twitchy for the road.

PeterV - 16/4/12 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
It looks like you need to look at fuel tank vent to fix the fuel starvation.

Re. tramlinine; start with checking the tyres pressures and damper settings aren't too hard, if no improvement check toe/alignment and corner weights.

[Edited on 16/4/12 by britishtrident]

Fuel problem happens even with the fuel cap removed so me thinks it maybe pump related??? Runs perfectly with 2 gallons on board for many many happy miles. 2-5 Miles max with >4 gallons in the tank.

Will check out the damper settings and see what happens. Have a feeling that the self centre work I did to get through the IVA may have upset toe / camber set up, even though I recorded all the changes and have reset them cafefully. No improvment though.

Yep Matt I thought the IVA was going to be stage one of the saga, just wasn't expecting to change the underware quite this quickly. All was far better during pre IVA testing.

gavin174 - 16/4/12 at 09:20 PM

just to equal things out a bit when it comes to chelmsford DVLA..
the first car we sva'd at Norwich got a first time time pass, drove back to Chelmsford DVLA
and handed in the pass certificate, paid the fees..
got told they would ring when paperwork was done.... got a call 16.50 the same day
drove down picked up paperwork and car was on the road the same day as SVA.

when I IVA'd my car again first time past at Norwich, again drove straight to Chelmsford DVLA
handed over certificate.. paid the fees... and waited
this time thou they dragged there heals and I didnt get a call till the next day to say my reg was ready.

we had had both cars inspected by DVLA prior to SVA/IVA and had written comfirmation of age related plates before the VOSA test...

[Edited on 16/4/12 by gavin174]

eddie99 - 16/4/12 at 09:39 PM

I also had a pain going through DVLA at Chelmsford I feel your pain.