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DVLA Paperwork
Daddylonglegs - 1/5/12 at 01:34 PM

Just in the process of filling out the V55/5 and V627/1 for DVLA (visited yesterday and spoke to a decent chap )

What do I put in the Manufacturer, Make and Model fields?

It's a McSorley +442 Locost built by yours truly from scratch, so I assume the following:

Manufacturer: My name
Make: McSorley Locost
Model: +442

Done loads of searching on here but only found info on DVLA issued VIN or DIY VIN

Any feedback guys?


[Edited on 1/5/12 by Daddylonglegs]

coozer - 1/5/12 at 01:35 PM

Thats it, just make up a nice manufacturers name for yourself.

owelly - 1/5/12 at 01:51 PM

I recall a bright pink FZR1000 Exup having "Barking Fishgrater" on the V5. It was done to upset the PO staff! It was built from random second hand bits so had to be re-registered on a Q plate so my chum gave it a new name!