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IVA retest question
-matt - 15/7/12 at 10:23 AM

Basically, I'm pretty much ready for IVA (once i get my car back with its nice shiny exhaust )

So thinking of Getting an IVA date booked, put it through, and get a list of what needs doing to pass.

But is there a time limit at all between failing and a retest? as wouldn't want to be paying twice!


tomgregory2000 - 15/7/12 at 11:13 AM

I think it's 6 months

-matt - 15/7/12 at 12:04 PM

Thanks, plenty of time then.

pekwah1 - 15/7/12 at 02:47 PM

how many times can you re-test?

BobM - 15/7/12 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by pekwah1
how many times can you re-test?
Pretty sure it's unlimited, if you fail the retest you get another 6 months and so on.