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SVA Passed
RoadkillUK - 30/9/04 at 01:48 AM

Yay, it's done. We fixed the fail points and it's on the road.

Set off on Weds morning at 9 to get there in time for the test at 11. Actually got there at about 10:15. After a nice cup of vending machine coffee I took the car in, he checked all the radius edges that failed and put it on the speed test thingy, 15 minutes and it was done.

Drove straight home, parked up, jumped in the tin top and headed for Leeds DVLA. I can't believe how easy it was, only queued for about 40 minutes, filled in the V55/5 and hand over some docs and it's legal on the road. On the way home called in for a rear number plate and then out for a quick blast.

Day and a 1/2 later I'm here

Don't even have a photo of it yet (apparently you have to get out of it to take a photo of it)

Thanks to Northy for the tyres to cover the coilovers (Photo below), U2U me your address and I'll send them back, cheers.

Take a look at the squash ball cover for the exhaust clamp (Cheers Graham mate).

I'll be updating my website in the next couple of days as I've had to reinstall my PC and I'm still installing stuff

Thanks go to all of you out there for your help in getting to this stage of the build (as I'm sure it will never be finished). Rescued attachment locost0420.JPG
Rescued attachment locost0420.JPG

RoadkillUK - 30/9/04 at 01:50 AM

Squash ball ... Rescued attachment locost0423.JPG
Rescued attachment locost0423.JPG

RoadkillUK - 30/9/04 at 01:51 AM

Oh, go on then, the MAC Certificate. Rescued attachment locost0424.jpg
Rescued attachment locost0424.jpg

JoelP - 30/9/04 at 07:11 AM

nice one lee! if only i could catch up!

James - 30/9/04 at 07:44 AM

Congratulations mate!

Well done, looking good.

Could you explain about Northy's shock covers please? Was just thinking about mine last night and wondering how to cover them- this looks like a good solution... but what is it?



David Jenkins - 30/9/04 at 07:51 AM

If you could supply a name/type/size I can go and visit my local model shop on Saturday! (SVA approaches)



PeetBee - 30/9/04 at 07:51 AM

They look like worn radio controlled car tyres to me.

In fact Shumacher mini spikes if my memory serves me (I know I'm sad!)

Great idea and congratulations Lee!

James - 30/9/04 at 07:56 AM

Yeah, just read in the other 'Failed' post about them being r/c tyres.

Must have some kicking about somewhere!


Northy - 30/9/04 at 08:09 AM


Schumacher Green Minispikes! Don't forget the foam insert!
Available to anyone who wants them for SVA.

I've got loads of them if anyone wants some, its not worth buying new ones.


subk2002 - 30/9/04 at 04:03 PM

Well done Lee

macspeedy - 30/9/04 at 04:32 PM

nice one another beast on the road