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IVA emissions Testing
davidimurray - 30/6/13 at 06:31 PM

Could someone help me with a clarification.

I have a 1987 1.8 Pinto in my car. For IVA emissions I understand the standard is 3.5% CO and 1200ppm HC, but is this at idle AND fast idle or do they only test at idle? If it is at fast idle, what is the fast idle speed??



40inches - 30/6/13 at 08:20 PM

From the MOT bible:

Use a suitable exhaust gas analyser to
determine the proportions of carbon monoxide {CO) and hydrocarbons (HC in the exhaust gas over a period of at least 5 seconds at idle.

Note: If a vehicle meets the CO requirement at its normal idling speed but fails the HC check, re-check the HC level at a high idle speed of 2000rpm. If the HC reading is 1200 ppm or less, the vehicle will meet both the CO and HC requirements.
The CO requirement must be met with the engine running at its normal (low) idling speed