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1st MOT 1 year after IVA?
skov - 15/8/13 at 12:21 PM

Hi All,

I got my car registered on an age related plate a couple of months ago and have been trying to figure out when its first MOT is due.
I've got nothing in writing anywhere, and when I tried the online MOT check thing it didn't seem to have any details for my vehicle (possibly because it's never had an MOT?)

Anyway, I emailed the local DVLA office that registered it and the guy that deals with kits said my first MOT would be due one year after IVA. This sounds perfectly reasonable given it was built using 20 year old parts, but I always thought it was 3 years after IVA.

Is one year normal for an age related kit? I don't mind if it is, but I don't want to bother in a years time if it doesn't need one!

fesycresy - 15/8/13 at 12:35 PM

3 years after IVA

Daddylonglegs - 15/8/13 at 12:36 PM

Agreed, it's been discussed on here many times

mcerd1 - 15/8/13 at 12:42 PM

your V5 should say 'new at first registration'
[edit] or at least the first registered dates should all be when you registered it as a kit....
(sorry I think I'm a little out of date since the new red V5's came out)

so its 3 years just like any other 'new' car

almost no point asking the DVLA, none of the staff seem to know anything these days and they will just tell you lies rather than admit they don't know
(1st hand experience with SORN's etc...)

of course you can do an MOT whenever you like - but then you'll be due another every year after the first MOT (regardless of how new the car is) so why pay for 2 extra MOT's you don't need

[Edited on 15/8/2013 by mcerd1]

loggyboy - 15/8/13 at 12:54 PM

Is it an age related plate? as this is where it is a grey area, you technically should have 3 years as the rules state (Road traffic act).
....the motor vehicles to which this section applies at any time are—
a)those first registered under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 or any corresponding earlier legislation not less than three years before that time, and .
(b)those which, having a date of manufacture not less than three years before that time, have been used on roads (whether in Great Britain or elsewhere) before being so registered,

The issue is that after registration with a age ralate or Q plate, the V5c often contains 2 dates - Date of first registration, and date of first registration in the UK.
Its common for the donors cars registration date to be retained in the fist box, and the kit cars registration date in the first registered in the UK date, meaning, the 2nd paragraph of the above law takes presidence, and the apply the date of 1st registration.
Older V5s had it in the notes, that stated
'registered and/or used, delcared manufactured in 19**'
Then the 'first registered date' was the date of the kits registration.

[Edited on 15-8-13 by loggyboy]

skov - 15/8/13 at 01:25 PM

Just dug out the V5. It doesn't say new at first registration anywhere.
This is what it does say:

Date of first registration: 4/7/2013
Date of first registration in UK: 4/7/2013

On the front under Section 3. Special Notes it says:

"Rebuilt - assembled from parts some or all of which were not new"

loggyboy - 15/8/13 at 01:28 PM

In which case you should be fine as the system should show your car as a 2013 car, not needing an MOT till 2016

mcerd1 - 15/8/13 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by skov
On the front under Section 3. Special Notes it says:

"Rebuilt - assembled from parts some or all of which were not new"

thats just to explain why its not got a new reg plate - shouldn't make any odds for the MOT date

jacko - 15/8/13 at 05:56 PM

3 years thats what mine was

skov - 15/8/13 at 07:31 PM

Sounds like it probably is 3 years, which is fine by me
I guess if it really is only one I'll find out when I try to tax it next year.
Thanks all!

nearly done - 15/8/13 at 08:07 PM

No such luck for mine passed IVA in June 2011 sorn in Oct 2011 tax in April 2012 sorn in Oct 2012. Came to tax in April 2013 no can do need a MOT. luckily MOT tester is a mate so no worries.

[Edited on 15/8/13 by nearly done]

wicket - 15/8/13 at 09:30 PM

Aged related and my V5C says

Note 4B Date of first registration 12/08/1980
Note 4[B.1] Date of first registration in the UK 16/06/2006

I had 3 years before MOT. and had it in writing from the local DVLA

[Edited on 15/8/13 by wicket]

Jimfin - 17/8/13 at 09:17 PM

It is 3 years. I completed the IVA in August 2012 and registered with an age related plate on 1/9/2012. Got the tax renewal through the post a few days ago and completed it online with no problem, you just have to tick the relevant boxes as with a tin top which includes "MOT (if applicable)" as YES and proceed, system did the insurance and MOT check and came back that these were correct and tax disc is in the post to me.