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Form V627/1
ghvh - 5/11/04 at 08:12 AM

Hi, silly question but can someone help

When filling out V627/1 (Built up vehicle inspection report ) on the top right it asks for Present reg, Make, Model, Colour, Etc.
Are these details for the old donor escort or for new losost ?

givemethebighammer - 7/11/04 at 10:37 PM

All info you need is here:

ghvh - 8/11/04 at 04:46 PM

thanks for that but:

It seems to differ from the info i found on the total kit car site
it said: 5. A declaration of where all the major components came from. This is usually in the form of a 'Built Up Vehicle Inspection Report' – form V627/1. Sometimes, the Vehicle Registry Office Inspector fills in these forms when the car is inspected. The form is pretty straightforward. In most cases, there won’t be a current registration number, so leave that box empty. It will be filled in when the number is allocated. Remember that the make and model of the vehicle are NOT those of the donor vehicle. If the car is a 'Westfield', for example, you must put this on the form and NOT 'Ford' (or whatever the donor was).
were as fills out the form with the doner details
I guess it's down to the VRO offices?

indykid - 8/11/04 at 05:35 PM

i'm at the same stage, with my v627/1 in front of me.

if you try to make the new vehicle details fit the form i.e the kit, it doesn't read right

present registration mark: currently, it is registered as the donor, as you are yet to be issued with a registration for the kit

currently licensed: the kit can't be taxed as it's not registered - thats what we're trying to do isn't it?

if in doubt, ring your LDO
I personally believe it to be the donor details, but will ring the leeds office first