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givemethebighammer - 16/2/05 at 01:21 PM

This seems to be a grey area. After passing the SVA do you need an MOT ? Called DVLA and they were not sure. The DVLA in Notts did not ask for the MOT cert when they issued my road tax (but I did give them the MAC cert).

As the SVA covers all of the MOT criteria, some (i.e. brakes) with stricter pass limits, I can't see how an MOT would be required but, you never know.......

barrie sharp - 16/2/05 at 01:37 PM

You do not need a mot for three years after sva as the date of your sva is the date it was registered.

but you can still take it for an mot for a check up but you dont need it

bob - 16/2/05 at 01:50 PM

As barrie said 3 years before its 1st MOT,my car tax reminder quoted that i needed a valid MOT cert but i took the V5 the the post office which stated the car was 1st registered may 2004 and they accepted that

alister667 - 16/2/05 at 01:58 PM

For me to register my Q plate Indy I was told I needed an MOT certificate. Mind you, I'd be confident they don't know what they're on about.
Definitely a grey area.

Also AFAIK I'll have to MOT my car every year from the start. Again I suspect this is related to it being a Q plate.

[Edited on 16/2/05 by alister667]

carlgeldard - 16/2/05 at 02:15 PM

I was told by the inspector at Beverley at the avoneers SVA test, that you will need an MOT after 6 months.


Snuggs - 16/2/05 at 02:16 PM

DVLA dont know what their talking about.
One person says one thing and the next something completly different.
The person I spoke to at Stockton DVLA (who was the person that inspected all kit cars etc for the area) said I did not need an MOT to tax the car at first registration but advised me to get one anyway !!!!

After a lot of investigation I think that the rules are as follows.

If the vehicle is registered as NEW then it doesn't need an MOT for 3 years.
If the vehicle is on an age related or Q plate then it needs an MOT from 1st Jan following the year of registration.


ps: Sorry Barrie but 3 years only applies to NEW vehicles.
pps: Bob, you were lucky at the Post Office.

[Edited on 16/2/05 by Snuggs]

chunkielad - 16/2/05 at 02:26 PM

The MOT rule is fromdate of manufacture.
A Q plate car, like a new built car with all new parts and an age related car, are still all manufactrued the day you register them.

Hence NO car will need MOT within 3 years of you registering the car (number plate has nothing to do with it - just date of manufacture).

HOWEVER - DVLA are stupid and most post office bods don't know he full ins and outs of the rules so it's likely you'll get asked for one when you go for the tax.

At £40 an MOT per year - it may be less hassle just to get one!!!

Snuggs - 16/2/05 at 02:53 PM

The date of manufacture is

1: The date of registration if the vehicle is NEW
2: The date of manufacture of the DONOR if an age related plate is issued.

A Q plate vehicle MUST have an MOT at first registration.

[Edited on 16/2/05 by Snuggs]

Snuggs - 16/2/05 at 03:15 PM


The horn is NOT covered by SVA.
I asked about this when I went though and was told that it was covered in the MOT.
When I asked about NEW kit vehicles the SVA inspector shrugged and mumbled something !!!!

givemethebighammer - 16/2/05 at 03:21 PM

even more grey now

I am more concerned with invalidating my insurance rather than needing it for official reasons.

I will MOT the car every year for two reasons

1. The local garage helped me prepare the car for the SVA (brakes, lights, emissions etc) and are very interested in it (must be more interesting than repairing normal cars all day).

2. Best to have a mechanic check it over once a year to ensure it stays safe.

Like I said a called the DVLA and if they don't know or aren't sure, who else can you call ?

ps - also found this:

[Edited on 16/2/05 by givemethebighammer]

locoboy - 16/2/05 at 03:51 PM

Hazard warning lights are not a requirement for MOT either but they are for SVA

zetec - 16/2/05 at 03:57 PM

I got in touch with the people at STATUS who say no MOT required for 3 years after the first registration regardless of the donor age (how could you have different rules for Q plate cars!). They say it is a bit of a loop hole as the law says a car needs an MOT after 3 years from the date first registered and this is fine in most cases as the car will be brand new, and does not take into account kit cars are not always so. It would be very difficult to police a system based on the date the car was built as some sit in storage for months before being shipped, sold and registered.

chunkielad - 16/2/05 at 03:58 PM

According to my local VLO she said that when the car is registered it will have an age related plate (as long as it meets criteria) but the manufacture date will be when I made it as it is a NEW car (read new identity) and will have a new chassis (VIN) number. The number plate restriction is not an indication of the manufactured date.

Maybe this is another grey area but she was very clear about it and adamant this was the case.

DVLA are useless round here anyway so I wouldn't ask them!!!

I personally will be MOTing mine as it gives me the peace of mind that all is well in the world of Craig before I put my foot down ina car that will do over 100MPH!!!

barrie sharp - 16/2/05 at 04:03 PM

quote''The date of manufacture is

1: The date of registration if the vehicle is NEW
2: The date of manufacture of the DONOR if an age related plate is issued.

A Q plate vehicle MUST have an MOT at first registration. end quote''

Firstly My car is an age related plate and when I registered it after SVA was not asked for MOT (even though i had one ).when it came up for tax at 6 months i did it on line and again was not asked for MOT.
secondly went to SVA centre that tested my car and asked about MOTs and he pointed out that even if your car is age related or Q plate it still has date registered on your registration your date it was SVAed thus making it 3 years before needing an MOT .

I will still Mot mine every year because i want to be better safe than sorry!!
hope this helps

if not try phoning Bryon at Exeter SVA centre hes very helpful.

[Edited on 16/2/05 by barrie sharp]

Snuggs - 16/2/05 at 05:13 PM

How do you tax a car online ?

bob - 16/2/05 at 06:04 PM

Finally managed to get through to DVLA this afternoon,it far better to be told from the horses mouth as they say

Date of 1st registration regarding "kit cars" wether on a Q plate or not,this is on your V5 you receive after registering the car. From this date its 3 years until you need an MOT for use on the highways,which i supose in english means no MOT for car tax purpose for 3 years.

I gave them my registration ( a Q plate ) for this purpose

theconrodkid - 16/2/05 at 06:20 PM

my tax renewal thingy says "mot required"so the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing comes to mind

bob - 16/2/05 at 06:24 PM

yep mine said MOt cert required too but i thought i'd ask them at the place that knows and thats what they said,if it comes through again like that i'll just take the V5 to the PO like last time.

Athough at the end of the day the price of an MOT is still the cheapest check you could buy in this twated country we live in,

Fozzie - 16/2/05 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
i always look at it like this after building your car mot it its a good pre sva check a lot cheeper and you get chance to set your lights and emissions up with a certificate as a bonus and if you have got any problems the mot man will find them first

Exactly what I did !
I was also told by the DVLA/VOSA that I wouldnt need an MOT for the first 3 years, but I will put it through again when its due for taxing, because I believe its a good 'health' check! (IMO).


Danozeman - 16/2/05 at 11:26 PM

I agree with chunkielad. 3 years is from the date registered and is when the MOT is due. It says that in that "kit cars and th law" Book thing from Kitcar mag..

It also says something i found interesting. You can drive your car to SVA aslong as its insured!!!

bob - 17/2/05 at 12:12 AM

Yup that too,i was unsure but i went passed a fair few copers on the way to the SVA and re-test with no plates on at all.

My neighbour is in the job and didnt know the law on that one,he said he would have given me a tug.little wanker probably would have

David Jenkins - 17/2/05 at 08:34 AM


Putting "give me a tug" and "wanker" next to each other in a sentence gives it a whole new meaning...!


Fozzie - 17/2/05 at 09:35 AM

Just what I was thinking David!

I do know for a fact, that yes, you can drive to the SVA as long as you have your chassis number and are insured (you get insured on your chassis number). I also drove to the MOT (pre SVA).

I checked with my insurers, and the local traffic police, before doing so.

I would advise that when driving to the SVA or MOT centres that you take your insurance cert. with you, 'just in case'.
Not all police are traffic cops, so therefore not that clued up on the 'unusual' situations!


Snuggs - 17/2/05 at 02:49 PM

I did 350miles with no plates and never got pulled.
I never passed any speed cameras either which was a shame

Fifer - 17/2/05 at 03:04 PM

On the driving to SVA and MOT thing.
You can also drive to "a place where you are going to get something done to pass the SVA"
I used this one to set my digital speedo over a measured mile (several times)

Fozzie - 17/2/05 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Fifer
On the driving to SVA and MOT thing.
You can also drive to "a place where you are going to get something done to pass the SVA"
I used this one to set my digital speedo over a measured mile (several times)

Tee-hee me too, a five mile round trip a few times for calibration purposes of course!......and clutching me insurance papers.............


chunkielad - 17/2/05 at 04:47 PM

Ahh but if you fail SVA can you drive home?

Snuggs - 17/2/05 at 04:58 PM

Check yer insurance.
I heard of 1 company (cant remember which) that would insure you to drive to the SVA centre but weren't covered to drive back if it failed

[Edited on 17/2/05 by Snuggs]

Fozzie - 17/2/05 at 05:10 PM

Good point Snuggs, I had thought of that, and chose an insurance company that covered that scenario, in fact, as a previous post said, its better to get a prior MOT certificate (proper) before taking it out on the road the first time. Happily, in my case, it passed SVA first time.

Mr_Stevo - 24/3/05 at 03:37 PM

Sorry to ressurect this post but apparently it is up to the local DVLA office as to whether an MoT is needed to register an amateur build vehicle.

Basically they all have their own local work instructions and don't talk to each other.

jollygreengiant - 24/3/05 at 11:13 PM

Originally posted by colmaccoll
Hazard warning lights are not a requirement for MOT either but they are for SVA

Again, Sorry to bring this post to the fore again, BUT, Hazard warning lights ARE subject to MOT test regulations depending on age of vehicle and if fitted ( I think it is pre 74 ish that you do not need them but if fitted they must work, including tell tale and switch function)
Used to be an mot tester. Vauxhall switches were notorious for failing.


V6 Tiger - 28/3/05 at 08:33 PM

I'm confused!!!

Can I drive my car to an MOT before its SVA??? (provided I have insurance of course!)

JoelP - 28/3/05 at 08:39 PM

the only way to be sure is to phone the local police station. if they dont know, ring the local VRO. basically you can, but you need to make sure the police know you can, to save some ball ache.

Mr_Stevo - 29/3/05 at 10:53 AM

Providing you have appropriate insurance you can drive an unregistered car to an MoT or SVA test. The only grey area is driving to get it registered some say you can some say you can't, but if you have your SVA/MoT in the same day and the same area then you should be fine taking a detour to the DVLA office.

rusty nuts - 29/3/05 at 07:16 PM

You can drive an unregistered or car without an M.O.T. to an M.O.T. provided it is booked in and you have insurance., may be worth informing test station that car is unregistered and needs to be tested using chassis no.H.T.H.