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SVA Failures and Fixes
shortie - 23/6/05 at 06:00 AM

Just thinking it is worth putting together some kind of checklist for things that people have failed with at SVA.

Certain things are obviously different depending on individual cars but alot of things are standard across the board and if there was a checklist of things to check before SVA then I reckon it would help alot of people when preparing their cars.

I am thinking of things such as the following:-

How to set headlights
What bits to cover and suggestions as to what to use
Where the SVA man has picked up sharp bits
Fuel filler unleaded restrictors
Dash projections


Just think it may help others (and me )

If people post their experiences here then I will try to compile some kind of list.


welderman - 23/6/05 at 06:51 AM

Back harness triangels where straps are fixed to mounts needed covering.
Passenger side footwell where fuse box and isolator switch was needed a removeable panel so there legs did not get caught on them.
Exhaust was toooo loud so needed internal d/b reducer.
Those were the main ones.

shortie - 23/6/05 at 06:57 AM

Thanks Welderman, just out of interest is your exhaust a standard MK exhaust?


welderman - 23/6/05 at 08:55 AM

Exhaust was from Martin at MK Engineering, he made up the manifold and i welded the rest of the parts he gave me, cheaper that way as i am a welder..
I Just did not put enough wadding up there, but the d/b reducer i got did the trick.


MAB - 23/6/05 at 01:18 PM


As you know - mine failed on Noise first time - 104 db

Put some wire mesh rolled into a cylinder into the manifold. Then used a piece of pipe with 2 washers welded on each end - this had Wire wool on the inside and wrapped around the outside - this was also put into the straight manifold section.

At the Re-test - passed at 96db!!

Other minor points I failed on were:

*Wiring near to back lights required security - basically under the arch the wire although in loom tape needed fixing to the back of the arch away from the wheel.

* Fuel restrictor not fitted - just an oversite but tightly fixed a washer with the SVA approved diameter just inside the fuel filler cap.

*Seat belt mountings 20 mm too low - using cobra seats in an MK - seatbelts round the seats not the harness holes - just needed to put some plumbing pipe 1 inch spacers between the seat belt mouting and bolts - needed to use 2.5 inch 7/16 UNF bolts rather than the shorter Sabelt ones...

* - Anti-theft device not fitted - I had stripped the steering column down so no steering lock - the nice SVA man was going to let me off with an ignition key and seperate start button however as I was going for re-test agreed to fit a battery kill switch next to battery on scuttle shelf.

* - Clevis retaining c clip missing off brake pedal! - moral of this story is check things more carefully - the C-clip has a tendancy to come off which it had done so now replaced with split pin which is much more secure.

