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Build up inspection prior to SVA
shortie - 23/6/05 at 09:32 AM

I have spoken to the DVLA this morning and asked if I can get my local DVLA office to inspect the car prior to the SVA test so that I don't waste time after the test sorting it.

I was told by the DVLA central office that they WIL NOT inspect the car until it has been SVA'd as part of the application to inspect the car includes an SVA certificate so you hae to wait until after SVA to make the appointment.

I do however know that people have had this done before the SVA where the guy has come out to their house to inspect it.

How have you managed to get this done? Did you actually have to go to the DVLA office itself to ask for this as I cannot get a direct phone number.


mookaloid - 23/6/05 at 09:58 AM

I got mine inspected before the SVA The guy came to my house.

It did take 3 or 4 calls to the DVLA to sort this out.

Try ringing again you will probably get someone else who knows what they are talking about.

You will need a chassis number before the SVA and the DVLA needs to inspect the car before they can issue you or approve your chassis number.



David Jenkins - 23/6/05 at 10:00 AM

I wrote a letter to my local DVLA office! This bypassed the telephone catch-22 problem. I introduced myself, told them what I was doing, and various other stuff. I didn't tell them that I'd already failed to get any sense on the phone.

Shortly after I got a pack of leaflets, together with contact details for the local bloke who dealt with kit cars. Once I got in touch with him everything moved fairly smoothly.

Good luck, as every office seems to have its own rules...

James - 23/6/05 at 10:20 AM


I'm looking at this myself at the moment. I couldn't get the number of my local (Wimbledon) so started with Swansea.

They told me to write to Wimbledon:
Dear Sir,

I’m building a kit car. Before I can register it via SVA I would like to request a chassis number for it.
Please inform me of the procedure I need to follow to aquire the number.

Yours Faithfully,
And I included my daytime number.

A day after I posted it I got a call from a very helpful woman at Wimbledon DVLA. (unfortunately I missed the call so she had to leave me her number! ).
She sent me a pack with a load of info plus a V55/5 form to fill and a v627/1 Built Up Vehicle inspection report.

She also arranged for another pack to come from Swansea which had another v55/5 and a load more bumpf.

Anyway, she said just fill in the forms and send back to her and she'll arrange for the inspector to come out (for free apparently!).

It's definately before SVA though!

I want to attempt what Mark Allanson did and go to Wimbledon to pickup number plate details etc. on way home from Croydon SVA. I'm not up for any of this getting it through SVA then not driving it for 3 weeks rubbish that some people have had!


shortie - 23/6/05 at 10:35 AM

Thanks guys,

So I reckon based on the fact that I am going to Mitcham for SVA then I could get in touch with Wimbledon like you did James as it seems to be Wimbledon who are helpful and alot of people have got them to inspect it before SVA.

Will write to them then.

thanks again,

Fozzie - 23/6/05 at 11:29 AM

Mine was inspected before SVA, I also went the Mitcham Wimbledon route.
I would go with the advice to write though, as half way through my dealings, another chap got drafted in to the office, and ranted and raved that it shouldn't be done that way. When I went to Wimbledon to hand over the MAC, I was also told that I couldn't have my registration until it had been inspected
Then I had a rant a rave... told them to look at the file again, and they would see my allocated chassis number and the inspectors signature. They came back muttering apologies....and sommat like arse about face!
It just goes to show that every place is different, and even the same place are apt to change their minds depending as to who has been drafted into the office that week!

Hence write to will get more sense! IMHO

ps personally I can't see the sense with inspecting after SVA.....the SVA is far more rigorous and knowledgeable than the DVLA man.....also, the SVA guys like to see the chassis stamped, and they say ya cant get that until its been inspected

shortie - 23/6/05 at 11:46 AM

It's a nightmare, I actually checked with Swansea about the chassis number as I have written to Brighton DVLA office and told them my chassis number and heard nothing.

Swansea said that if it is a kit car then you can make up the chassis number, I questioned them and said 'are you sure?' and they again confirmed that I could.

Hence I am going to write to Wimbledon and tell them I have a chassis number and I would like them to inspect the car and verify the chassis number.

Might get there in the end!!!!


Fozzie - 23/6/05 at 12:05 PM

Yup, sounds about right, they haven't a two answers the same, everyone has a different experience with them. I think its enough stress just preparing for SVA without the hassle of DVLA...good luck Rich!
ATB Fozzie

BMF - 23/6/05 at 12:29 PM

what is the V55/5?

All i have been sent is the v627/1