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pajsh - 5/9/05 at 09:18 PM

OK at the risk of making myself look a complete numptie I have posted pics in my archive of the fail points of my SVA.

Alot just relate to my car but some may be of use to someone else.

The Cobra seat guides is one that I thought would have been OK and I couldn't find anything on mudguards but apprarently they must cover the bare wheel without the tyre. Basically the plan form of the car viewed from above.

Any questions I would be happy to answer.

Fails were about 50/50 between the guy who started it and me. At the moment I would advise any noobie not to buy a half complete project unless you know what you're looking at. My fails are all quick fixes but I'm not sure how to strengthen the trailing arm supports without taking the car apart.

I've learned a hell of alot along the way having never done much more than changing spark plugs before and the SVA has just been another part of the learning process.

I'll know what they look for next time.

A pro built cobra was in with me and he had a rough time too although after a bit of remedial work he did pass. But then they go at least once a week.

JohnN - 5/9/05 at 10:02 PM

Interesting stuff, & good for you to post it.

What was the problem with the 3mm seatbelt plate welded on 3 sides?? It looked OK to me


andytmc - 5/9/05 at 10:08 PM


I'm a bit suprised about the Cobra seats, I've got them as part of my Velocity kit and they seem to get through SVA based on what I know.

I don't remember anyone having problems with these before. Phil (Coovey) has Cobra seats & he didn't mention a problem with them in his SVA.

Good luck with the mods for the re-test, at least you know what needs to be done ...

Oh and I'll be applying for an SVA at Shrewsbury shortly!


Hasse - 6/9/05 at 10:10 AM

If you put a rose joint in the end of the panhard rod, you donīt need to change the rear axle part.

3mm steel, welded on two sides were ok for me as belt fixation.


NS Dev - 6/9/05 at 10:11 AM


Agree with SVA on some but not all.

Seatbelt mount plate looks fine to me, what did they suggest to remedy it???

Don't really understand the front wing issue either.

The weld on that clevis was a mess!

The panhard rod bracket won't be tricky to chop off with the grinder and weld back on. I have some brackets somewhere I can post if you're short.

The welds around the bracket mounts on the axle look dodgy!!!!!!

MikeR - 6/9/05 at 11:29 AM

I was about to explain what the problem with the front wing was - till i looked at the picture again and i think its ok.

Having looked 3 or 4 times i think the problem with the trailing arm mounds are that its not fully welded.

coovey - 6/9/05 at 04:41 PM

Our Cobra Seats passed. However Stuart the tester did remark that the velocity is one of a very few cars that pass with them in. He specifically mentioned westfields as failing with them.
Contray to what I thought He measured from the base of the seat to the height of the seat belt mounting (as opposed to the point the belt comes through the seat.

Don't know if this helps

rusty nuts - 6/9/05 at 05:32 PM

Have Cobra seats in my Luego Locost which passed with no mention in Norwich

planetester - 6/9/05 at 08:46 PM

Trailing arm mounts,
I have a stuart taylor chassis & his mounts have a small gusset welded at the outer bend rad of the mount going to the center of the upright & welded there

Avoneer - 2/10/05 at 09:32 PM

Hi Pajsh,

Have you re-tested yet as I would be interested in your solutions and what SVA thought of them.

Regarding the lower seat belt mounts, did your bolt just go through the 3mm plate or did you have a nut or insert welded to the plate as well?

Regarding the trailing arm brackets, which bit didn't you weld?

