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SVA Help desk phone number?
donut - 25/2/03 at 10:07 AM

Any ideas what it is?



andyd - 25/2/03 at 10:49 AM

Stuart has just looked at the SVA book for me (and the website ) and there isn't a helpdesk yet. See

In the meantime you need to ring the Vehicle Inspectorate (01792 458888) and ask to speak to an SVA engineer.


bob - 25/2/03 at 02:00 PM

Yep thats the number i,ve been using,they they have been very helpfull so far.

Peteff - 26/2/03 at 10:16 AM

You can phone the station that you are going to use and ask them if you have any problems. Derby were very helpful.

yours, Pete.

scutter - 26/2/03 at 02:11 PM

Bobs got the right number, you should ask for a Steve Whitehart. Very helpful man.


donut - 26/2/03 at 02:53 PM

Thanks guy's

phoned the number and found them to be very helpful.....but there seems to be allot that is left to the sva test guy's discretion so probably best to phone the test station.
