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Where to register?
Benzine - 2/2/06 at 12:07 AM

Recently my car passed SVA I now have the MAC form. My car is in the nottingham area and basically I'm sometimes at home there and sometimes at university. I was wondering if I can register the car at a DVLA office nearer to me (i.e. Stockton, which is on my doorstep) so that when I'm next home I can just have the plates made up and away I go.

I had a DVLA inspection at my house a few months before SVA. A man from nottingham DVLA drove out to me. So does that mean I have to go to Notts DVLA or can I sort it here?

Thanks for any info

Humbug - 2/2/06 at 08:04 AM

I would think it would be easier to go to the one that inspected the car... simplest thing would be to phone Stockton first (or rather, go va the DVLA to get them to call you back, if it's the same as for my local DVLA office). Did Nottingham give you some paperwork to say they had inspected it?

DarrenW - 2/2/06 at 08:57 AM

i would strongly recommend ringing Kelly at Stockton. She was very helpful when i did mine and certainly knew her stuff.
She was one of the few who knew about the 3yr MOT etc.

Benzine - 4/2/06 at 01:56 PM

Thanks for the info. All sorted now. I went into Notts DVLA, after 20 mins it was all sorted, taxed, registration given too