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The Form
RobBrown - 10/3/03 at 09:33 PM

Since I am close to finishing, I thought I would try my luck and apply for the test, but have a few questions about the form

Design Weights
How exact do the design weights have to be. I have no idea what they are, how do I go about measuring them? Also the form says:
Axle 1, Axle 2 Axle 3 weights. My car is IRS, so doesn't have any axles. Do they mean back 2 wheels and front 2 wheels as axles 1 and 2!?
Maximum Speeds
Is the maximum speed the biggest number on the Speedo, the same with the RPM?
Engine details
Does the date of manufacture have to be exact, is mid eighties good enough (The engine in my donor turned out not to be the same one on the log book, 1.6l donor with 2l engine)

How long do you think I have got to get the finishing touches done before the test?

Thanks in advance

Mark H - 10/3/03 at 10:00 PM

Hi Rob,
At the same point as you. I am building a Stuart Taylor live axled locost. I bought it part made and luckily enough the previous owner filled in an sva form and gave me some advice.

Design Weights: The weight has to include the driver and a tank of petrol. Axle 1 I've got as 325kg; Axle 2 is 285kg. The gross weight is 610kg. I would have thought that this would be close enough.

Maximum speed/revs: The figures you give here are part of the calculation the sva tester uses for things like emissions and decibels. In theory, therefore, a lower figure should make it easier to pass. I'm going to declare 100mph and 5000 rpm.

Engine Detail: Not too sure about this.It doesn't ask for engine numbers so perhaps a calculated guess would be ok. In your case I would probably use the date on the V5.

The SVA used to have a six week lead time but I understand it's less now. To be safe I am putting a date in question 4, eg "25 April 03 or later".

Where are you thinking of getting it done?

I would be happy for anyone to put me straight if any of this is cobblers.

Hope some of this helps.


CairB - 10/3/03 at 10:06 PM

I put an MK Indy 2.0i pinto through SVA last year using the follwoing values on the form:

Axle 1 - 400kg
Axle 2 - 550kg
Gross - 900 kg.

These figures are design weights and are used for the braking efficiency calculations. They exceed the measured values. With me in it they were measured as:

Axle 1 - 340kg
Axle 2 - 360kg

I believe that it's a fail point if the actual weight exceed the design weights. There is a diagram in the Design Weights section of the SVA manual.

For the maximum speed I used the theoretical at max engine revs in top gear which was 128mph. It may well do this with a howling wind behind me.

I believe that the year of manufacture of the engine affects the emissions test. Pre '86 gets more leeway on CO2, again refer to manual.

Hope this helps and good luck with the test.

merlin - 10/3/03 at 10:43 PM

having just filled in the forms and had them returned!!! because a) I had not completed the axle weights and b) I had to provide written proof of the engine age.
Weights as yours split 60/40% and the engine age was declared in writing from Ford as a 1980/dec. You have to write to the company and they turned around the letter in 3 days, very impressed with their help. If you're not using a Ford engine then you will have to do your homework 'cos if you don't prove the age officially then you will have to fit a cat.
On another point, the vin number I used was made up as instructed by the SVA office over the phone! Some people have had to take the chassis to the local licensing office to be issued with one, seems to be conflicting evidence here but mine is now officially registered as a 'Locost7', (that'll please them miserable caterham gits!)

hope this is of some help, my test is next Monday..............PANIC!!!

bob - 11/3/03 at 09:14 AM

Whats the address for FORDS eng number dept.


David Jenkins - 11/3/03 at 12:33 PM

Got this from the Syla Owners Club:


Technical Help Line: 0906 5533447. This is a premium rate phone line!

Technical Information Centre
Ford Motor Company
PO Box 300




David Jenkins - 11/3/03 at 12:34 PM

Read: "Sylva Owners Club"


Chrisw - still can't edit my own posts.

RobBrown - 11/3/03 at 12:55 PM

Thanks all,

Mark H - I live between Birmingham and Cardiff, so would prefer Cardiff since the roads would be less stressful. I wouldn't want to break anything before I got there.

Has anyone had any experience with either of these test centres

David -Thanks for helpline, my engine is a 2.0Litre Pinto and Leaded, just hope it's pre '86. My donor was a F reg, 1989

Merlin -Good luck with the test next Monday, let us know how it goes

I need to get my finger out a get a VIN number before I complete the form and send it off.

Thanks again, Rob

bob - 11/3/03 at 02:01 PM

Thanks very much for that

bob - 14/3/03 at 10:27 PM

Wouldnt it be good if everyone was a fast as these boys at walsall.

I sent a letter stating engine and engine number on tuesday 11th, and had a reply today 14th.

Letter stated my pinto engine was fitted to a vehicle in june 1986.

Thanks again david for your help

merlin - 16/3/03 at 11:52 PM

you'll be strapping on a moggy then!
(if you can get that decorating finished that is!!)

see you tomorrow!! bring your camera matey!

David Jenkins - 19/3/03 at 08:49 AM

Well, while I was busy telling everyone else about the Ford Tech. Centre, I thought I'd better send off a letter to find out the age of my engine.

Sent the letter on Friday, got a reply yesterday (Tuesday). It states the month and year the engine was fitted into the original car, all on nice and formal heade notepaper.

Can't argue with that service!


bob - 19/3/03 at 10:18 PM

Why the hell would i want to fit a cat to a 1986 pinto ?

donut - 20/3/03 at 07:20 AM

I'm gonna fit a hamster to mine!!!!!


Mark H - 20/3/03 at 08:37 PM

Does this take us full circle to the gibbon powered locost of a few weeks ago?