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Mirror E mark
whitestu - 5/7/06 at 03:04 PM


I've got myself some Honda Cub mirrors but just realised they aren't E marked - is this a definite SVA fail?



donut - 5/7/06 at 03:20 PM

Everyone seems to pass with non 'e'marked mirrors so i wouldn't worry about it. I have never seen 'e'marked mirrors in my life!. There seems to be a discepency in the SVA manual over them. As long as they are radiused then you should be ok.

whitestu - 5/7/06 at 03:30 PM


The radius seems OK on them - as blunt as plenty I see on production cars anyway.

I'll keep my fingers crossed.


donut - 5/7/06 at 04:04 PM

1st time i went through SVA i passed with non 'e'marked mirrors and this time i'm using the same mirrors so all should be ok!!

indykid - 5/7/06 at 05:37 PM

they need to have a reflective surface this big though.


indykid - 5/7/06 at 05:38 PM

wrong pic, too big. try this Rescued attachment sva mirror.jpg
Rescued attachment sva mirror.jpg

stevec - 5/7/06 at 09:22 PM

Are these the Cub ones that you got?

tks - 6/7/06 at 08:06 AM

atleast my cbr 900 ones are (the cheapy ones)

also i have a really good sight in them sow donīt know theproblem with them...


whitestu - 9/7/06 at 08:08 AM

In answer to Stevec's question, yes they look exactly the same.

I got mine from a local bike shop for Ģ15 the pair.

I've found them cheaper on the internet since.


Baldrick - 10/7/06 at 05:45 AM

Be careful buying mirrors because there are so many aftermarket replicas out there of very varying quality. I decided on CBR mirrors after seeing some on another car. Found them on t'internet cheap. They turned up and were not up the the standard of the ones I'd seen, they weren't a proper pair, the mount was poor and the rubber cover never sat right. I got through SVA OK although he did poke them around a few times looking none too happy. Of course since then I still haven't got around to swapping them out but I know they are not the best. Much better to buy at your local bike shop (as you did)so you actually see what you're getting - even though it's a couple of quid more. I know I could (should) have sent them back but the SVA date was approaching rapidly and I ran out of time.