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Happy SVA Fail......
Gazza - 19/9/06 at 04:15 PM

Considering I was not looking forward to me SVA - I can honestly say that Martin at the Nottingham SVA centre is a really nice bloke!!

I managed to fail on:

1. Reposition of drivers inner lap belt - easy unbolt, reroute and rebolt the lap belt mount.
2. Contactable edges in passenger and drivers footwell - fit some rubber trim.
3. Front indicators not meeting angle of visibility - new indicators required.
4. N/s & o/s mirrors not meet field of view requirements - new mirrors required.
5. Contactable edges on front wing supports - fit rubber trim.
6. Split washes on bolt into gearbox mount and engine mounts - fit some split washes.
7. Brake bias bar not locked - drill the bar and fit a roll pin - bias is all set up ok.

On the whole I'm really chuffed!

Managed to get my DVLA inspection done today too - just get the retest sorted after my holiday and hopefully be on the road in October.....just in time for the wet weather!

graememk - 19/9/06 at 04:18 PM

i spoke to martin today at nots sva rf my headlights, he seems a really nice guy

good fail btw

Dave J - 20/9/06 at 10:16 AM

Martin did my SVA last March. Absolutely top bloke. He was incredibly fair and helpful, even to the point of helping me stick a few bits of rubber trim here and there during 'tinkering time'
If it's obvious you've done your darnest to satisfy SVA requirements, and the build is something to be proud of ,then he will do his utmost to get you your MAC.
You know if he fails anything then he's absolutely spot on.

Can't speak highly enough of the guy (well he did pass my car after all )

Anyway, well done on the positive fail.

A few hours tinkering and you are sorted.

I was going to say good luck on the retest, but then again you won't need it.

All the best,
