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fitting fuel pump
ricklawn - 14/3/07 at 08:11 PM

Hi Guys

just got a new facet pump and fixing kit..
pump comes with earth wire as does fixing kit . Do i need both ????? if so why?


flak monkey - 14/3/07 at 08:12 PM

Its to earth the pump body i think. Not got one on mine at the moment (maybe i should add one!). Works ok...


ricklawn - 14/3/07 at 08:15 PM

pump body has one fitted.
i dont see the relevence of earthing it with the mounting as well????????????

lsdweb - 14/3/07 at 08:17 PM

Is the pump rubber mounted? That would explain a lot!

ricklawn - 14/3/07 at 08:20 PM

it fitting kit is just like 2 rubber mushroom fittings that you fasten an exhaust with

lsdweb - 14/3/07 at 09:04 PM

You need to earth the pump then!

ricklawn - 14/3/07 at 09:32 PM


miegru - 14/3/07 at 10:12 PM

The idea is to earth everything metal that is isolated from the chassis. Under no circumstances should if be possible for the fixing or pump to store static energy that will possible lead to spark and ignite leaking fuel.

Bit farfeched but I just wired it up. The SVA inspector actually remarked on it. He told me that these details told him that the wiring was done with care.....

He told me that he basically will find faults in all cars if he wants. But if the general impression is ok he is a bit milder on minor violations.

Right or wrong; I would wire it up.

westcost1 - 15/3/07 at 03:52 PM

My facet pump came with instructions telling you to earth the pump across the rubber cotton real mount so yes earth it