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MOT - aeroscreen and seats
dsapsfo1 - 5/9/07 at 08:17 AM

Quick couple of questions for you all:

1 - I've got a Luego Viento, fitted with an aeroscreen and therefore no wipers, washer etc. Will this get through the MOT, or shouldI just remove the screen for the test to be sure?

2 - One of my harnesses is broken at the buckle, can I remove the passenger seat and just MOT it with one seat and one harness? (yes, I will be buying new harnesses, but can't get them in time).


gingerprince - 5/9/07 at 08:19 AM

Originally posted by dsapsfo1
1 - I've got a Luego Viento, fitted with an aeroscreen and therefore no wipers, washer etc. Will this get through the MOT, or shouldI just remove the screen for the test to be sure?

provided the aeroscreen is just that and isn't in your line of sight then it's fine for MOT.

Benzine - 5/9/07 at 08:19 AM

2 - Pretty sure you can take the seat out, one of the writers in PPC magazine said they did this once

dan__wright - 5/9/07 at 08:20 AM

1) not a clue.

2) no, your car will be registered as a two seater, therefore it must have two seats and belt / harnesses, same problem if you remove your rear seats in a 5 seater, have to change it to a 2 seater.

dsapsfo1 - 5/9/07 at 08:24 AM

Thanks for the replies...

Pics of screen are here -

welderman - 5/9/07 at 08:30 AM

ok for screen as my Indy passed and so has my mates, both at different test stations.
As for seat think you might need a new harness.

nick205 - 5/9/07 at 08:33 AM

My Indy passed an MoT on Monday with a Mac#1 aeroscreen fitted - no query at all.

As above I think you'll need to have a serviceable harness fitted to the passenger side - anyone local you coyuld borrow one from for a couple of hours until you get new ones sorted?

gingerprince - 5/9/07 at 08:33 AM

that screen will be fine. mine is bigger (oo er missus) and didn't cause an issue at MOT.

donut - 5/9/07 at 08:38 AM

As long as the aeroscreen has radiused edges you will be fine.

BenB - 5/9/07 at 08:43 AM

At my first SVA I had only one seat fitted (cos they were blooming expensive and I was still saving up for the second) and they said it was a no-no 'cos I'd described it as a two-seater car and it only had one seat. I suspect MOT would be somewhat similar....

dsapsfo1 - 5/9/07 at 08:46 AM

Many thanks to everyone for such quick replies. I'm now ringing around to try and get a harness here in time. The screen will stay where it is for now.


DarrenW - 5/9/07 at 09:04 AM

Big rich may be able to advise. I have heard quirks in the test in that they can only test what is available at the time but then there are the construction and use regs to consider. Im sure there is a rule that says after a certain date you must have seat belts fitted but dont know if this still applies if the seat is missing. My instints tell me they will expect a servicable belt to be fitted. What adds a question is a recent post about windscreens where it was suggested if you fail for a crack in the screen there is a loophole in that if you remove the screen and present the car without, then there is no crack and it can pass.

dsapsfo1 - 5/9/07 at 09:11 AM

Well a replacement harness is being made today at TRS and will be with me tomorrow and the car is booked in for Friday. I'll leave the aeroscreen on and if they fail it, just unbolt it and put in for the retest

Thanks again...

bigrich - 5/9/07 at 12:30 PM

just remove the seat as a tester you can only test it how its presented at the time of test and record the number of passenger seats fitted

seat removal is a well known solution to belt faults

iank - 5/9/07 at 10:31 PM

Originally posted by bigrich
just remove the seat as a tester you can only test it how its presented at the time of test and record the number of passenger seats fitted

seat removal is a well known solution to belt faults

With the new computerised MOT will the DVLA get a flag showing V5 and car are inconsistent? There was a thread here suggesting that happens when the tester discovers a kit still registered on the donor V5.

No idea if the DVLA would actually follow it up if they did get informed, but probably best to get the harness sorted if you can just to avoid potential hassles.