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Are front number plates required???
Aussie - 11/9/03 at 05:11 PM

Was talking to a mate of mine recently about the whole front number plate problem (see other thread. lol) and he seemed to think that he read/heard somewhere that you don't always need to have a front number plate, and that aslong as you had a rear one then thats perfectly legal.

If thats the case then i'll just get rid of the front plate all together....Can anyone shed some light on this???

I'm thinking that i may give the DVLA a call.


JoelP - 11/9/03 at 05:59 PM

I suspect only bikes can have 1 number plate. The only evidence that cars should have two is the number of MAX'd cars with daft bumpers that have had plates squeezed on at silly angles, if it wasn't necessary then it would be common knowledge in moddy circles that it wasn't!

Saw something on a bike show about plates for bikes, so i know they don't. Probably cos theres no space.

All IMO though!

tadltd - 11/9/03 at 06:31 PM

You'll find the req'd info here:

First point it makes is: "A number plate must be displayed at the front and rear of motor vehicles (with some exceptions)." - interesting that it mentions exceptions, but these MAY be things like tractors, tracked vehicle, MOD stuff, etc... - IMO of course.

Hope this helps.
