Just want to run my solution past people here. To go over again I have an ally tank with a 1 1/2" part threaded neck and 2" OD billet cap
with fuel proof 'O' ring. My filler cap has a 2" funnel. 1 1/2" filler pipe is hard to find and only comes in 1m lengths at about
£60 odd and I only need a couple of inches and reducer. My solution is to screw the cap on the neck but to have a chamfered hole cut in it so the O
ring will still seal on one side and then to use a straight piece of 2" filler over the cap fastened with a clip. It is fairly deep and so would
have plenty to grip onto. What do we think? An easy solution or a rubbish idea?
You know it sounds a bit mickey mouse or you wouldn't be asking
On the other hand nobody will ever know or worry about it (apart from 2 or 3 hundred people on here) and as long as it doesn't leak then it may
well be a case of function over form.
Personally I'd be looking for a different solution.
You're right, but I can only think of two ways around it:
to buy a £60 odd piece of 1 1/2" and a £20 quid reducer that will cut down and a piece of 2".
To remove the tank, drain and vent it then to buy a 2" new neck and cap for £20 and then find an ally welder who will stick it on then to buy
some 2"
Not sure how close you need to be, but Rally design sell proper fuel pipe in 45mm ID for 0.25p per cm.
Originally posted by mistergrumpy
You're right, but I can only think of two ways around it:
to buy a £60 odd piece of 1 1/2" and a £20 quid reducer that will cut down and a piece of 2".
To remove the tank, drain and vent it then to buy a 2" new neck and cap for £20 and then find an ally welder who will stick it on then to buy some 2"
Cheers fellas. The Raldes stuff is too big and I overlooked the CBS stuff initially I think as I actually need 41mm stuff but I think 38mm will be
good if I stretch it. Thanks for rescuing me again!