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Renaming a car (V5)
madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 10:42 AM


Am purchasing an MK Indy later this week, and wondered about renaming it. I've been told you can give a car whatever name you wish, as it's currently registered under a name that isn't MK as manufacturer, and Indy as model.

Is this true, and is it changeable? Does this affect insurance with some companies due to the incorrect name?

Thanks in advance,

indykid - 25/3/08 at 11:02 AM

as long as it's not currently registered as ford sierra, i can at least say go ahead and buy it.

i don't think it'lll be easy to change what you want without re svaing and reregistering though.


Paul (Notts) - 25/3/08 at 11:24 AM

Changing the manufacture detail sounds difficult to me.

Why is it wrong..?

Has the car been SVAed ?

Does the chassis number match, does the engine number match the V5

Is it an MK ?

As said above if its down as a ford sierra then its probably not been registered properly or SVAed.


Dusty - 25/3/08 at 11:28 AM

All legitimate kit cars built since introduction of SVA have been tested and properly registered with in the case of an Indy the name MK Indy (Why wouldn't you?) or a special name chosen by the builder (Tom Smith WhizzBangSuperSpecial). If this car has the name of an existing donor or another Kitcar I would suspect some sort of SVA avoidance could have taken place or even that it is simply a ringer. The fact that you don't say what it is registered as makes me think you're suspicious. Good sense says walk away but it seems such a bargain?
I mean suspicious of the car not a sus person!

[Edited on 25/3/08 by Dusty]

Fozzie - 25/3/08 at 11:36 AM

No you can't re-name a car after SVA......if you could there would be no need for SVA at all!

The 'you can call (make and model) a car what you like' (and that is usually if you have changed or used chassis/body work from different people, or, have made a lot of it yourself) only comes into play when you are going through the SVA/build process leading up to SVA for the vehicles first registration, that name will go with the vehicle throughout its life.

If the current V5 states it to be something from the mainstream of Ford, Vauxhall etc, and not a one-off, as our 7's usually are, then it is most probably not legal..........I think I would be inclined to do a registration number check....

HTH Fozzie

Darn.....too slooooow again! ^^

Humbug - 25/3/08 at 11:44 AM

Definitely sounds iffy... also, if it is not currently registered as an MK Indy, how do you know it actually is one?

madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 11:55 AM

Thanks for the replies, it's currently registered as an "Indian" make, "Dakota" model, which I now know is a type of bike! I'm assuming this has been built/registered by a fan of motorbikes? I'd assume this comes under a "special name chosen by the builder"?

I've been assured it's been SVA'd, IndyJohn off here is selling it!

With regards to a registration check, would you mean a HPI or something else? Sorry for my ignorance!

edit - and the stamped chassis number does match the registration document.

[Edited on 25/3/08 by madmandegge]

D Beddows - 25/3/08 at 01:43 PM

I have to say that, having been through the saga of buying an incorrectly registered car, that is going to cause you grief. If it was registered as a Johnsmithwizzbang Special or similar then it wouldn't be too much of an issue BUT if it's registered with the same name as a recognised production vehicle then there's every chance you could turn up to get it MOT'd and they'll tell you they can't do it as you haven't turned up on an Indian Motorcycle or you may find yourself explaining to a constable why your motorbike has 4 wheels.........

I would imagine (or would hope) the V5 makes it clear that it is a car not a bike but even so that name will almost certainly cause you hassle in the future

Fozzie - 25/3/08 at 01:55 PM

I really do not think you can use an already 'known make' for your car....that is, you cannot call it a Honda Fireblade or indeed a caterham 7...if it is NOT.

Its easy enough to stamp a chassis to suit a Registration need to see when the vehicle was first registered...and importantly, a vehicle that has been SVA'd will start with the same series of letters........


madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 02:08 PM

Just to clarify, "start with the same series of letters" is SABTVRO? If so, it does indeed start with that.
I thought that might be an issue, however not knowing what I'm talking about, have "Indian" make bikes actually ever been for sale in Britain? If not, surely they'd have to be registered as imported, so it wouldn't "technically" be an issue?

Thanks again for the advice, I can't see it being a massive issue, but it's useful to hear from the people who know!

NB - not that it's an ideal way of knowing it isn't a bike, but there aren't many two litre bikes about, right?

Fozzie - 25/3/08 at 02:15 PM

Originally posted by madmandegge
Just to clarify, "start with the same series of letters" is SABTVRO? If so, it does indeed start with that.
I thought that might be an issue, however not knowing what I'm talking about, have "Indian" make bikes actually ever been for sale in Britain? If not, surely they'd have to be registered as imported, so it wouldn't "technically" be an issue?

Thanks again for the advice, I can't see it being a massive issue, but it's useful to hear from the people who know!

NB - not that it's an ideal way of knowing it isn't a bike, but there aren't many two litre bikes about, right?

Linky Thing

stevebubs - 25/3/08 at 02:19 PM

What is the class of vehicle?

It should be something like "2 seater sports"?

madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 02:36 PM

I haven't got a copy of the V5, mainly because I assumed it wasn't polite, or "the done thing" to take a copy of the document? I'll U2U and ask him.

As for the link, all I can say is, DAMN! As mentioned before, surely the DVLA wouldn't let it be registered with a name that's already used? Nothing on the site actually seems to be mentioning UK, apart from the domain, I can but hope.

edit - Re-reading this it seems rather foolish to leave it here, I think my best bet is probably to call the DVLA and ask them.

Opinions still welcome! Thanks

[Edited on 25/3/08 by madmandegge]

Dusty - 25/3/08 at 03:02 PM

Mate of mine bought a amateur built trike with numberplate and SABTVRO vin number but without the V5 as the owner 'couldn't put his hands on it but had it somewhere' When he applied for the V5 to change owner etc, DVLA told him it was a metro and should have 4 wheels not 3. He never did finish the build and the trike has been through several owners since and is still not on the road.

D Beddows - 25/3/08 at 03:07 PM

Sorry to be the bearer of more bad tidings but Another linky thing would strongly suggest they are sold (if not made even?) in the UK.

I have to say, if it is all legit, what kind of buffoon would register his MK Indy as an Indian Dakota in the first place

madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 03:16 PM

Not the current owner, but the builder Current owner has his details, unsure if he's a member on here?

What's more, why would the DVLA allow it to be named as such, if they won't allow other vehicles to be incorrectly named? It certainly has a VIN that starts with "SABTVRO", denoting a custom registered frame if I'm correct?

Would a HPI check show up any problematic discrepancies (such as this) if I carried one out, or is something more detailed needed?

Does anyone agree that I should phone the DVLA for a definate answer on this? I'm going to call them up now, fingers crossed eh

[Edited on 25/3/08 by madmandegge]

IndyJohn - 25/3/08 at 03:38 PM

just to clarify a couple of things
the V5C....says

Make............M K INDY
Body type.........TOURER

The Mot does say Make Indian Model...Dakota

all chassis numbers etc are the same

I think its a simple case the MOT guy didnt could not remember the make..

Hope this help


madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 03:40 PM

Apologies all! (including IndyJohn!)

The car is registered on V5 as MK Indy, with body type "Tourer"
Last MOT (before SORN) lists it as an Indian Dakota, but the VIN and Registration all match up to the V5.
I'm guessing that an odd MOT isn't anything too severe?

Thanks again to all for replying, is certainly a weight off my mind! Will teach me for thinking I remember things correctly

madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 03:41 PM

Thanks John, sorry about all that, getting worked up over nothing!

Thanks again all

IndyJohn - 25/3/08 at 03:52 PM

No problem and you are right to ask. This is the best place to ask.

I hope someone else will confirm....."you have no worries"

Thanks and see you Saturday


RazMan - 25/3/08 at 04:05 PM

If the V5 is correct then the car is probably too

Dyslexic MOT tester I reckon

madmandegge - 25/3/08 at 04:39 PM

I can't believe I can't remember the difference between the V5 and the MOT