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Upper seat belt mounts again
ghvh - 28/11/03 at 01:07 AM

Sorry if this is a repeat but.....
Can an one confirm, If using a four point harness with cobara 7 type seats, do the sholder straps still have to be mounted 140mm either side of the center line of the seat . With the hole in the seat not 140mm from the center line it forces the belts to the out side of the holes and they don't sit neatly.
In the SVA book it talks about lap and diaganal belts being a min 140mm from center line but not harnesses. If you were fitting a 3 point harness for example this would have it upper mount on the center line???

Hellfire - 28/11/03 at 01:10 AM

Will consult our book tomorrow - eye's are getting a tad bleary!!!!

We are almost to this stage so any help would be appreciated on this subject!

David Jenkins - 28/11/03 at 09:55 AM

Um - I'm away from my book, but isn't the 140mm to do with 3-point harnesses? It's to ensure that the top fixing is far enough away from the centreline of the seat to work correctly.


Health warning: I may well be wrong!

zetec - 28/11/03 at 04:52 PM

I used Cobra 7 seats with harness holes to get over min height problems with mountings and got thru the SVA fine. no mention of centre line distances.