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oldtimer - 17/10/08 at 04:57 PM

Popped up to Raw today, picked up some parts, had a quick blat in their car - can't quite believe that mine will sound the same - that fabulous 4age roar!

But..... rumour is that the new IVA test will be £500....yes, £500... - yet to be confirmed, but, if true that is a huge price increase - I thought inflation was 5%?

tomprescott - 17/10/08 at 05:08 PM

I really hope that that isn't true! Im a student and building on a tight budget, does anybody know how/if the details are going to change i.e. is the test going to be harder to pass? I tried finding out on the dvla website but the blurb they had was disconcertingly vague!

Paul (Notts) - 17/10/08 at 05:27 PM

Current estimates - £580

Cant remember where I read it but it will be around this price!


focijohn - 17/10/08 at 06:07 PM

maybe they will lower the road tax for us if that goes ahead ......we can all dream

jacko - 17/10/08 at 06:35 PM

This is a old post


andybod - 17/10/08 at 07:27 PM

and vosa say they are a not allowed to make a profit (yeah right)

David Jenkins - 17/10/08 at 08:21 PM

Hate to say this too loud - but I always thought that the old fee for what could be 4 hours-worth of specialist work was quite cheap. Try your local main stealer and enquire about their hourly rate!

Saying that, £500+ is going to be painful...

RichardK - 17/10/08 at 08:28 PM

Yep I heard the £580 price too. Just got my sva date through today 2nd Dec

Bugger, best get it finished!


oldtimer - 17/10/08 at 10:58 PM

Yes, very steep price. I built a kit car back in the pre-SVA days when it just needed an MOT test. I think the SVA really improved build quality and safety, for a price. As someone who will put their next car through an IVA, I don't get that same feeling - IVA is almost the same as the SVA, with a big cost increase but no real quality increase. True?

Syd Bridge - 18/10/08 at 10:08 AM

I actually built kits prior to SVA. (I think AlanB did as well?)

SVA did little to clean up the kit industry. All it did was make people put round edges where they were meant to be, and lights in the right places.

IVA won't be much different, if any at all. The name change is to bring it into line with EC dictates.

Until IVA/SVA actually checks engineering standards, the kit industry will continue to push out the rubbish that you, Joe Public, so readily accepts.

How do I know? I've been helping sort out three se7en type cars, from three different 'established' manufacturers. One of them, an ex show car for its manufacturer, is so out of whack that it needs a completely new chassis to put things where they should be. And it's had no bangs or bumps either. Just shoddy workmanship from day one!

How many of the manufacturers are actually proper engineers. I mean the engineers who can work out stresses and strains, and have a bit of university paper to prove it? When I was in the game 20 years ago, I was the only one in the whole of the UK kit industry. I doubt it's changed.


oldtimer - 20/10/08 at 08:15 AM

Were you really in the kit car business 20 years ago? By the quality of your response I presumed you were a petulant 12 year old.

I shall ignore your offensive and thoughtless comments, but, just ask that you name and shame the manufacturers who are guilty of such poor engineering.

And be ready to defend yourself in court....

Syd Bridge - 20/10/08 at 10:05 AM

And which manufacturer might you be, Oldtimer? As for naming and shaming, well, I admit to craziness at time, but outright stupidity I try to avoid.

The engineering standards of the kit industry are fairly poor, on the whole. Those words are not mine but those of a man I respect immensely. He is also a C.Eng and PH.D Eng (Mech.). Also can work with his hands, so knows what he is talking about.

Most manufacturers start off as enthusiasts, with little or no engineering background. (I'm referring to engineering design, and the ability to put proper numbers to designs)

Most copy what others have done previously, because they don't possess the knowledge to see where things should be different or improved. Hence, the three ballsups I've been dealing with.

You've only got to read through the posts on here, to know that my statement is correct. Bad wishbone designs, chassis without sufficient triangulation, improper welding, parts that won't fit, incorrect suspension geometry..and the list goes on. Who would bolt a rollover bar on with just three 8mm button head stainless bolts each side, and no rear stays? At least one manufacturer seems to think this is acceptable.

As long as Joe Public readily accepts this stuff, the manufacturers will turn it out.

As much as I dislike the draconian aus type system where a listed engineer oversees each build, with the ensuing added cost, this is the only way for engineering standards to be maintained. The engineer must 'sign the build off', and take responsibility for its safety and roadworthiness.

If IVA achieves what the aus system does, then the £500+ will be a cheap alternative. But i doubt it will do so.


oldtimer - 20/10/08 at 12:18 PM


Not a manufacturer, just someone trying to make sure we all knew about new IVA price and innocently saying I thought the SVA had helped - that is all. Please allow others an opinion without getting aggressive. My request that you name and shame is based on safety.