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wishbones is moving
lamhotung - 26/7/02 at 06:53 PM

new bei

hi i build my brackets with 1/2 inch hole
inorder to fit the MK bush.
and i find out
1/2 inch bolt is too big for MK bush.
so i use 16M bolt in a 1/2 inch hole....
i find out 16M bolt dont seem to fit MK bush
seem to have little movment
so now
the A arm could move a 1 to 1.2mm
is it ok for wishbones to move 1.2mm ?
or do i have to make the brcakets again?
kind regard TT

interestedparty - 26/7/02 at 07:01 PM

I don't understand your post. 16mm is quite a bit bigger than half inch (12.7mm). Do you mean you used a M12 bolt. That would be a little bit loose


lamhotung - 26/7/02 at 07:24 PM

thanx for reading
i think is M12 i will double check on it.

so .7mm is too big for a gap right?
if yes i will make the bracaket again.

RoadkillUK - 26/7/02 at 07:24 PM

How about drilling a small(ish) piece of 3mm plate and welding that to the brackets, or make some more brackets

Usual liabilty disclaimer etc.

interestedparty - 26/7/02 at 09:09 PM

How about drilling a small(ish) piece of 3mm plate and welding that to the brackets, or make some more brackets

Or 12mm washers?


lamhotung - 27/7/02 at 05:14 PM

i find a drill which is 31/64 inch
will fit the bush will no gap.
so now i am looking for 31/64 bolt

washers is a great idear...
thanx every one
but it will look funny.
so i will do the brackets again

interestedparty - 27/7/02 at 05:34 PM

Would it not be possible to bore out the metal sleeves in the bushes to 1/2inch? I am sure it would be a lot easier to do that than to either find special bolt sizes or to remake the brackets. Only 1/64th to be removed.


lamhotung - 30/7/02 at 03:50 AM

thanx for every reply~!!

Nick Davison - 30/7/02 at 08:04 PM

I had the same problem from Locost.
I ended up reaming each bush out to 1/2in and using 1/2in stainless bolts.
The fit is just right.

I also drilled each bolt down the length from the head, tapped the top bit in the head for a grease nipple and then drilled in from the side to let the grease into the bearing.

interestedparty - 30/7/02 at 08:21 PM

This has been discussed recently on other threads, but is worth mentioning here in case anyone hasn't read the other stuff. In a suspension bush system the movement is NOT provided by the sleeve moving around the bolt, it is provided by the bush itself flexing. There is no need to lubricate the suspension mounting bolt, although a bit of anti-sieze grease can't hurt and will make future dismantling easier.


lamhotung - 3/8/02 at 12:41 AM

Nick Davison
where do u get your bush, from MK too?

i email David about what bolt size to use on
MK bushs.
it had been two day already..
i think i will call MK Tommorwor.

i finaly got some time to bend my tube
i am sooo happy

Nick Davison - 3/8/02 at 04:10 AM

I bought them from Locost, they had a problem with their suppliers not sticking to the measurements!

paulf - 3/8/02 at 08:04 PM

I also bought mine from Locost when they were in Peterboro and have the same problem. They are 12.5mm id and so will not take 1/2 inch bolts, i was going to ream them and the brackets to 1/2" but as i already have the 12mm bolts and unf bolts are expensive i am going to buy some 3/4 bar and drill it 12mm to make new centres.
I am sure many people must just use 12mm bolts in a 12,5 hole but am not happy doing so myself.

I bought them from Locost, they had a problem with their suppliers not sticking to the measurements!

lamhotung - 8/8/02 at 07:11 AM

i was planing to do that too..

i checked in NAlocost yahoo group
george 1129 said
"try to maintain minimum 1/8" sholder on bush tube.....if the sholde is too narrow it will cut into the bracket loosing the cinch force giving rapid wear until the tube cuts a new hole in the bracket if not caught in time. Also if the bush tube wall too thin it can colapse as you cinch to torque."

just to let you know.and thanx george for share information

to ream them(bush) and the brackets to 1/2"

Nick Davison - 8/8/02 at 09:22 PM

I take it that you are talking about the wall thickness after the bush has been reamed to 1/2". It is only an extra 0.2mm on each side of the bush so will not significantly change the area bearing on the brackets.