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brake lines and olives... help
pocket rocket - 14/4/09 at 02:13 PM

Hi guys,

i need to take the fittings off a length of braided line and put them on a slightly longer length (measure twice cut once!)

i know i need to replace the copper olives for new ones when i do this but the problem at the mo is that i can't get the dam things off the end of the line! i didn't put them together so im a bit lost... how is the best way to get them off AND whats the best way to put them back together on the new line. any help please

many thanks.

r1_pete - 14/4/09 at 02:30 PM

They will have crushed the pipes slightly when tightened up, so you really cant use new olives in the same place, best way is to cut the pipe off just behind the olive.

mad-butcher - 14/4/09 at 02:44 PM

are you sure you have the re-usable type (illegal for SVA) not the crimped ones


blakep82 - 14/4/09 at 02:47 PM

^ as far as i know, they're not 'illegal' for sva, but some testers don't like them, so beware if you use them

pocket rocket - 14/4/09 at 03:01 PM

iv already had braided lines made up for the whole car... and as far as i can tell they are all re-usable type fittings. (i think... how do you tell?)
Iv been in touch with RD and they don't even do the type of fitting i need in swage-on, only re-usable.
I really don't want to start again on my lines... i don't think i could take it!!!

mackei23b - 14/4/09 at 03:16 PM

Mine went through the SVA OK with the re-usable fittings.

pocket rocket - 14/4/09 at 03:19 PM

good to know mackei... im now alittle less stressed.
so how do i get these dam fittings off, iv got it down to just the single threaded fitting and olive on the end of the line but i can't seem to get it do i do it, do i just pull it off? (harder than i am doing?)

And i thought doing the brakes would be fun

dinosaurjuice - 14/4/09 at 03:50 PM

pull it hard AND straight. the hose usually goes over a barbed tube.

James - 14/4/09 at 04:51 PM

Obviously you'll need to replace the olive but what about cutting it carefully with a Dremel?


rusty nuts - 14/4/09 at 06:00 PM

If you still have problems go and see Brian or Phil at CFE in Milton