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Reverse Thread on Hubs
ashg - 12/6/09 at 03:58 PM

just to make sure im not going mad. the reverse threads on the front and rear sierra hubs go on the (uk)Drivers side of the car.

Am i correct?

[Edited on 12/6/09 by ashg]

Flamez - 12/6/09 at 03:59 PM

Originally posted by ashg
just to make sure im not going mad. the reverse threads on the front and rear sierra hubs go on the (uk)Drivers side of the car.

[Edited on 12/6/09 by ashg]

tighten towards the front of the car on both sides

P ? - 12/6/09 at 04:00 PM

ive recently put my rear hubs on and i dont have a clockwise thread on eitherside :S

ashg - 12/6/09 at 04:00 PM

jesus that was quick

Flamez - 12/6/09 at 04:01 PM

The reverse nut also has a notch cut into it for id,

ashg - 12/6/09 at 04:03 PM

striped my hubs down ages ago and almost forgot which carrier went with which hub lol.

now i just have the joy of doing them up to 280nm. oh what fun that will be

Land Locked - 12/6/09 at 04:07 PM

With a long enough lever anything is possible.

We had a 1.5 metre long torque wrench at the dealers for type 3 rear hubs, which if i recall was something along the lines of 280Nm.

deezee - 12/6/09 at 04:10 PM

I'm in the same boat as I'm just popping my hubs and axles on after recon.

The front Drivers side hub is a reversed / left handed thread (marked by notches)

The rear Passenger side axle uses a reversed / left handed thread (marked by notches)

So the left handed-ness is diagonal.

ashg - 12/6/09 at 04:16 PM

are you sure. i recall the reverse threads both being on the same side when i took the sierra appart.

Macbeast - 12/6/09 at 04:51 PM

Sierra manual - Fronts
" Note that on all models manufactured before late December 1982 both laft and right (front hub) nuts have a right-hand thread but from this date left hand-thread assemblies were progressively fitted to the right-hand hub carrier. "


"The left-hand nut has a left-hand thread

"Left and right are in the sense of a person seated in the diriving position facing forwards "


MautoK - 12/6/09 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Flamez
tighten towards the front of the car on both sides do you rotate something 'to the front'?
Half of it goes to the front and half of it goes to the back.