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Which hole do I use..........
rallyingden - 6/8/09 at 08:37 PM

Now I have your attention just a quick question.
I am pretty sure I am right but best to check with the fountain of knowledge.

Standard ford twin circuit master cylinder with two take off points at front and one towards the rear. I assume the two at the front are one circuit ie one to each Front caliper and the one at the back is the second circuit ie to the rear axel then split to each side.

Confirmation would let me sleep without thinking about it all night


RichardK - 6/8/09 at 08:40 PM

Yes mate!

clairetoo - 6/8/09 at 08:40 PM

Thats how mine was plumbed when I had a master cylinder like that and it worked fine

lotusmadandy - 6/8/09 at 08:40 PM

Yup, thats how mine is piped up.


owelly - 6/8/09 at 08:43 PM

But to answer the original topic......
any hole's a goal.......

rallyingden - 6/8/09 at 08:43 PM

Thanks Guys & Gals



StevieB - 6/8/09 at 08:45 PM

Damn it, beaten to the punch line...

owelly - 6/8/09 at 08:48 PM

Steve, you could've had the 'B-dumph tish!!'....

koiking125 - 6/8/09 at 09:05 PM

She always tells me if it's the wrong one

Toltec - 6/8/09 at 09:36 PM

"you've given me the kids now get in the back"

MakeEverything - 7/8/09 at 07:01 AM

Originally posted by koiking125
She always tells me if it's the wrong one

Is there any such thing?

When i were a lad, i never got any complaints at all! - They were all gagged mind...