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Sierra rear brakes
jeze2903 - 14/8/09 at 09:36 PM

Does anyone know how to tell if Sierra rear drum brakes are Girling or Bendix. They are off a 1993 1.8CVH. Need to know to order brake hold down springs off Mr Ford!

drury318 - 14/8/09 at 09:47 PM

I worked as a technician at a Ford main dealer for 24 yrs, I was never asked what make they were at the stores when I needed parts, it was just what size drums they had, are you sure he knows what he is doing? It is mainly foreign cars that have different systems on, Ford are usually easy to source parts for.

jeze2903 - 14/8/09 at 10:19 PM

Hi, thanks for that. He did show me the comp. screen and there were 2 types shown. Surely it would depend on the brake shoe type, 1.6 or 1.8/2.0 models?
Perhaps I should check out another Ford dealer

drury318 - 15/8/09 at 09:06 AM

May be easier to take your backplates etc or even your old hold down parts to a decent parts supplier for the trade, Brown bros, Motaquip, unipart, etc, I am sure they all sell different kits with all the springs etc in, even if they don`t list Sierra they may well have a suitable kit, just need to match it up

drury318 - 15/8/09 at 09:11 AM

TRy these although it seems to be a pack of 100!

jay taylor - 15/8/09 at 02:00 PM

They should be able to tell which style of brakes are on it from the chassis number