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Lobro Joint
IainL - 28/2/10 at 06:05 PM

I've taken my lobro joints apart to clean them.

Now is there a trick to put them back together as I get 5 of the balls in and as the sixth one almost goes in one of the others fall out

MakeEverything - 28/2/10 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by IainL
I've taken my lobro joints apart to clean them.


Originally posted by IainL
Now is there a trick to put them back together as I get 5 of the balls in and as the sixth one almost goes in one of the others fall out

The trick is dont take them apart. They come from the factory pre-assembled for a reason!

miikae - 28/2/10 at 06:23 PM

They are a good fun puzzle, i had one on my bench at work for years, everyone said thats easy until they tried. I found it the other day and suprise suprise one ball is missing so i guess someone threw it

fesycresy - 28/2/10 at 06:25 PM

They come apart and go back together easy enough. It's just a myth that they are difficult, usually started by people who haven't taken them apart

You may have them in the wrong sequence from what I remember the last one took a bit of a push.

Use plenty of grease (helps hold them) and do it over a clean surface.

Cousin Cleotis - 28/2/10 at 06:26 PM

The are tricky but they come apart and go back together quite easily when you have the "knack" keep trying it will come to you.

MakeEverything, a clean joint will last longer than a dirty one, they come pre assemble from the factory so you dont have to assemble them yourself..........


Xtreme Kermit - 28/2/10 at 08:11 PM

bit late now, but my yip would be to ensure you put each ball back in the slot it came from and get the cage back in exactly the way it came out.

I trashed the first one I did as when it went back together it had lost it's smooth action and tended to jam

I them made up a cardboard template for all the stripped down bits, and ensured they all went back in the same place.

The other three went fine.

MakeEverything - 28/2/10 at 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Cousin Cleotis
MakeEverything, a clean joint will last longer than a dirty one,

I agree Paul, but for the sake of a £45 outer CV, i dont think id bother. theres a saying - If it aint broke, dont fix it. Im a fine one for fiddling and maintenance, but the CV Joints are a maintenance free disposable item.

Andybarbet - 28/2/10 at 08:37 PM

Im going to clean up mine before i fit them as they are covered in gundge but if i could afford to buy 4 new ones @ £180 a set, that would only leave £70 in the budget for the rest of the car according to the book

Looks like i need to follow Kermits lead and make a template to get everything back together.
Maybe i will tell the family at xmas that they are a new type of chinese puzzle and get them to build all 4 for me

Good luck with the re-assembly Iain.

madteg - 28/2/10 at 10:06 PM

Feel for you mine drove me fu--ing mad.