I while ago I acquired a brand new Jeep CJ Borg Warner T5 box for my pickup truck project.
Only problem is that its designed to have a dana 300 transfer case bolted onto it.
Does anyone foresee any problem with attaching a prop shaft straight onto the output in the absence of the transfer box.
[Edited on 14/4/10 by liam.mccaffrey]
[Edited on 14/4/10 by liam.mccaffrey]
[Edited on 14/4/10 by liam.mccaffrey]
Should work OK. You could probably fit the tail from another T5 to it as well.
Tremec has the manual for the T5 (not the greatest but it's free) on their website. It shows all (most?) of the various configs available.
Cheers, Ted
you can swap the tail housings over but only from the same "breed" of T5. I would have to find a NWC long nose tailhousing.
Thanks for that link, I have this book also which is quite good but doesn't really in my specific situation
What sort of engine are you mating this up to Liam? Looks like the gear ratios in your unit might lend themselves to a big lazy V8 with a low
(3.14ish) rear diff ratio.
4x4 4.02, 2.37, 1.50, 1:1, .76
V8 Ford
NWC 2.95, 1.94, 1.34, 1.00, .72
WC 3.35, 1.93, 1.29, 1.00, .68
I have the ratios at
Its going behind a supercharged 5 cylinder engine.
Plan is to use a ford 8.8 inch rear end from an explorer.
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I would have to find a NWC long nose tailhousing.
Your mainshaft is probably too short for a standard tail case.
You will need to build in some sort of propshaft support bush if you connect a prop to the current housing.
Try a Google search for Jaguar T5 conversions, you will see people offering short housings. This may help with ideas.