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Steering column
Wumps - 28/4/10 at 06:41 PM

Hi all,

The sierra column and linkage currently fitted on my car is a bit wobbly and fouls the oil filter so I am on the hunt for a complete sierra column but have had little success finding any in good nick under £60.

Would this scorpio one be a direct replacement, I will be replacing the current bulk head so mounting holes won't be a problem. em4aa0034baa

Cheers for any advice

Tatey - 28/4/10 at 06:47 PM

I was recently on the hunt of a complete sierra column. It seemed like an impossible task to get one for under £60, however one popped up on ebay and I won the auction for £12.07, result if you ask me.

However on my search I learned that the scorpio and granada mk3 steering columns are pretty similar to the sierra ones. So you should be fine with buying a scorpio one. However the mounting method may be slightly different (dont quote me on this though).

Wumps - 28/4/10 at 06:59 PM

Hi, yes they do all look very similar. I'd like to hold out for a sierra one so its a like for like, and also i know you can easily change the stalks on the sierra one to nice jazzy ones lol

austin man - 28/4/10 at 09:11 PM

have you thought about changing the bushes ??