Hi Gents
Does anybost know where I can get hold of 3 of these cheaper, £50 seems abit steep for 3 caps & connectors)
why do you need 3?
ebay ford transit/ka/sierra caps are the same i think
2 brake cylinders and 1 clutch cylinder, thought i may aswell put a sensor on all 3 seeing as there next to each other and its no extra wiring.
Sierra, ka and some fiestas have these. Get down the scrappy and cut off the connector and flying lead off the loom. I did last Sat the scrappy charged me 2 quid. I then drilled a hole in my master cylinders and bonded them in. I have pics if you want them.
Yeah pics would be great, what glue did you use? is it break fluid proof?
Originally posted by PuppiesBalls
Yeah pics would be great, what glue did you use? is it break fluid proof?
They look very professional! make me some lol