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PuppiesBalls - 1/2/11 at 10:22 AM

Hi Gents
Does anybost know where I can get hold of 3 of these cheaper, £50 seems abit steep for 3 caps & connectors)


blakep82 - 1/2/11 at 10:44 AM

why do you need 3?
ebay ford transit/ka/sierra caps are the same i think

PuppiesBalls - 1/2/11 at 10:46 AM

2 brake cylinders and 1 clutch cylinder, thought i may aswell put a sensor on all 3 seeing as there next to each other and its no extra wiring.

wylliezx9r - 1/2/11 at 10:51 AM

Sierra, ka and some fiestas have these. Get down the scrappy and cut off the connector and flying lead off the loom. I did last Sat the scrappy charged me 2 quid. I then drilled a hole in my master cylinders and bonded them in. I have pics if you want them.

PuppiesBalls - 1/2/11 at 04:44 PM

Yeah pics would be great, what glue did you use? is it break fluid proof?

wylliezx9r - 1/2/11 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by PuppiesBalls
Yeah pics would be great, what glue did you use? is it break fluid proof?

Here you go mate, i used an aircraft grade 3M compound to glue them in cant find the box though so cant remember what its called. i also cut the ford type cap of the sensor so i could get the sensors to sit lower in the master cylinders.
Hope this helps Dan

PuppiesBalls - 2/2/11 at 11:18 AM

They look very professional! make me some lol