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Can Anyone Spot the Problem?
Jaybeee - 20/4/11 at 11:13 PM

I purchased my RH part built and it is a real bitsa!!!!

My car failed IVA on braking effeciency along with a few other things. After a lot of head scratching I asked a local MOT centre to if they could test the brakes for me. Braking effeciency was at best 55%. the most senior tester came over and said stick it on the ramp and lets have a look.

Can anyone see a problem in the pictures below?

A1 - 20/4/11 at 11:22 PM

no pads?!

or am i seeing it wrong?

[Edited on 20/4/11 by A1]

blakep82 - 20/4/11 at 11:32 PM

hard to see the photos, but looks like there might be a pad in there? but if there is, doesn't look like much of it is on the disc!

Steve Hignett - 20/4/11 at 11:33 PM

Wrong pads and swept area?

Jaybeee - 20/4/11 at 11:53 PM

It would appear the front brakes are from a Sierra with discs all round which have discs that are larger then the standard. I had a problem where the front discs rubbed badly on the lower sliding piller mount so I had to replace the discs. What I can not understand is why the pads do not fully use the inner part of the disc. i didn't take a photo of this but there is about 15mm of discon the inside edge that is not covered by the pad.

snapper - 21/4/11 at 05:43 AM

Sierra single pot sliding caliper, is it sliding properly, if not only one pad will push on the disc, take it off, check the slide bolts, clear, a smear of copper grease, re fit.
On those calipers I also copper grease where the pad edges touch the caliper I side.

cliftyhanger - 21/4/11 at 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Jaybeee
What I can not understand is why the pads do not fully use the inner part of the disc. i didn't take a photo of this but there is about 15mm of discon the inside edge that is not covered by the pad.

That shouldn't be a problem, assuming the pads are correct. I am considering using my existing callipers/pads and increasing disc size to improve breaking, once I actually get my car built up.
Was the breaking even? what brand of pads? Take it the callipers haven't partially seized? And the new discs were cleaned before installation?? Brake pedal feels OK? Any bias valves installed? Master cylinder size, and working correctly?

OK, lots of things, but the first one is important. If all brakes are low then I would be thinking master cylinder (or cr***y pads etc)

stevetzoid - 21/4/11 at 06:31 AM

Not easy to see from the picture but should the highest point on the caliper be the bleed nipple to let the air out when bleeding otherwise air will remain inside the caliper!!, or have I got that wrong?

Regards Steve Evans.

RichardK - 21/4/11 at 06:56 AM

It looks to me as there's no pad on the front just one on the rear which would explain half braking efficiency!! Although difficult to see a birds eye view would be good it just looks like the pad carrier is all the way ove so I would suspect that non vented pads have been fitted when pads designed for the vented disks (sapphire) should have been used which are a bit thinner due to the disks being thicker.

Another top view picy would be good.



jollygreengiant - 21/4/11 at 07:13 AM

I think the simple answer is that they are the wrong size Disc (definately on diameter, posible on thickness and of-set) for the calipers. I know that I had to try 3 sets of disc for mine until I got the right ones, but I was using Granada calipers on Sierra Hubs.

Grimsdale - 21/4/11 at 07:26 AM

as above, do you have calipers for the 260mm disc, and 240mm discs?

mcerd1 - 21/4/11 at 07:38 AM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
I think the simple answer is that they are the wrong size Disc (definately on diameter, posible on thickness and of-set) for the calipers. I know that I had to try 3 sets of disc for mine until I got the right ones, but I was using Granada calipers on Sierra Hubs.

I'd agree with that
(btw stock mk3 granny callipers are the same as a sierra with ABS/XR4i but I guess you found that out in the end)

can you measure the diamiter of the disc you've got and maybe take a couple more pics ?

as above if they are 240mm discs you've got now - chances are you need the 260mm ones

if they are normal sierra hubs then you want the discs from an XR4i (not 4x4)
like these ones:

[Edited on 21/4/2011 by mcerd1]

CRAIGR - 21/4/11 at 08:07 AM

Simples .The discs are too small as said .

Davey D - 21/4/11 at 08:18 AM

Yep, looks like the disc is too small

Triton - 21/4/11 at 09:10 AM

yep the discs look to small in diameter so pads not covering brake surface properly.

ashg - 21/4/11 at 10:30 AM

yep looks like you have 240mm discs and 260mm callipers. simple disc swap will sort it.

avagolen - 21/4/11 at 10:35 AM

for what it's worth, it looks like the pads are wrong as well.

The piston does not look like it is covering the whole of the pad plate.


Jaybeee - 5/5/11 at 06:55 AM

Many thanks for all the responses the pads and discs we both thewrong size. I bought the car as a part build with a 1600 pinto so I wrongly assumed the pads and were also for a 1600 and not a 2000 as the donor was!!

On another point does anyone know if the master cylinders are the same?