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chris_psmith - 20/8/11 at 06:56 AM

Just had new tyres fitted to the car and need to get tracking done, the garage want to know what setting to use, any ideas, the car has:
Front - Cortina hubs
Back Escort Mk1 axle
I have no other information on the car but that.


ReMan - 20/8/11 at 08:09 AM

I'd be thinging along 0.5 - 1.0 deg toe in

britishtrident - 20/8/11 at 08:22 AM

Just on the toe-in side of parrallel 0.0 to 0.25 toe in under no circumstances any toe-out.

Save yourself some money in the long term buy a Gunson Trackrite and do it yourself.

macc man - 20/8/11 at 02:57 PM

Just looked on Amazon, and Gunson do a laser tracking tool for £99. Anyone tried one?

bigfoot4616 - 20/8/11 at 03:00 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
under no circumstances any toe-out.

i prefer just a touch of toe out. thats for mainly track use with a little road use