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Suspension Reccomendation
Kartdad - 6/9/11 at 09:18 AM

Hi all

I have managed to save up for my suspension and am keen to get them in the post, I was given some great advice by one of you to go to a specialist supplier to buy my suspension with the name of a contact and all details, this was a small supplier of gas shocks who ballanced the shocks prior to selling

does anyone know who this is?

Many thanks


ko_racer - 6/9/11 at 09:21 AM

Procomp most likely on here

Kartdad - 6/9/11 at 09:33 AM

Found them Brilliant thanks


pewe - 6/9/11 at 10:08 AM

Deffo Procomp.
Depending on where you are you could do worse than take it to Matt and Ivan to have the whole car set up even if you are only going to use it for the road.
Made a huge difference to mine.
Cheers, Pewe