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Can anyone help me find a Sierra Diff 3D Cad model
bigbravedave - 11/9/11 at 12:16 PM

After much googling and searching on here I haven't been able to locate a 3D Cad model of a Sierra Diff.

I have found a fair few websites with screen shots of sierra diff CAD models on. but no one generous enough to share their efforts.

So does anyone know someone who would kindly share their Sierra Diff 3D model or even a dimensioned model to save me some time

Many thanks

eddie99 - 12/9/11 at 12:25 AM

Also looking for a cad model of the sierra diff

Steve Hignett - 12/9/11 at 02:21 AM

Surely the (basics) of the sierra diff would take 5 mins to draw up???

bmseven - 12/9/11 at 07:18 AM

Might be worth asking HERE

bigbravedave - 12/9/11 at 08:14 AM

I spend 8-10 hours a day sat in front of a CAD terminal so Im not to concerned about the modeling side of things. a drawing would be fine.

I thought I'd ask first. I would feel a bit daft If I spent time taking the diff out measuring it and putting it back in my car if someone else has already done it and is kind enough to share

bigbravedave - 12/9/11 at 11:32 AM

Thanks BM7, I have stumbled across that site, but the contact via facebook bit isn't working. Don't supose anyone knows how to get in contact with the owner?

Liam - 12/9/11 at 01:08 PM

He's a member on here - do a member search for seventhheaven (I think). He doesn't post much but checks in from time to time and I have contacted him via U2U before. His 3D models look to be pretty awesome!

Alan B - 12/9/11 at 01:39 PM

Dave, I'm pretty sure I have one, but I'm at work right now (5 hours behind UK time) U2U me later if you don't otherwise get fixed up.


Lew The Machine - 6/8/14 at 01:05 PM

sorry to dig up a (really really) old thread, but did anyone ever get back to you about that diff model?

ive got a mega basic one from GrabCAD but its nothing compared to the one on seventh heaven!

i would ask the man himself but it specifically says on his site "if it isnt published dont ask for it"


ettore bugatti - 7/8/14 at 07:17 PM

This looks a little more resolved:

Lew The Machine - 8/8/14 at 12:01 AM

Originally posted by ettore bugatti
This looks a little more resolved:

That's AWESOME thanks dude!
How did I manage to miss that on grabCAD!?!
That will do perfectly!