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brake unions - best place to buy?
MikeR - 30/10/04 at 02:00 PM

I went to my local motor factors today, they don't do all the brake unions i need. Now I know i can get them from burton but .... is there anywhere else?

Also, whats the best way of connecting flexible hoses to the rigid pipe? I was going to put a large female on the fixed pipe, run a nut down to the clamp the bodywork then screw flexi into that. My worry is how i connect the other end of the flexy to the brake pipes without twisting the flexi when i screw it in.

Peteff - 30/10/04 at 03:20 PM

You clamp the flexy with a locking nut then connect the other pipe to it. If you google for brake unions you will get loads of hits. I'm looking at brass unions for next time. Rescued attachment flexyfit.jpg
Rescued attachment flexyfit.jpg

MikeR - 30/10/04 at 03:45 PM

well i was close, just clamped the wrong end.
