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Bleeding brakes, air!!
steve m - 9/3/14 at 12:47 PM

Hi all

I have bled brakes countless times and never had this problem

Ive fitted a an OBP floor mounted pedal box setup, and can not get all the air out of the brakes with
two master cylinders

im using new fluid, there are no leaks, and had the pedal wedged over night so whole system

The brake peddal is pretty solid, and does not appear to go down and has minimul movement
yet i still can get air bubbles out every time i bleed the brakes

any one else had this problem?


britishtrident - 9/3/14 at 01:18 PM

It is not unheard to have a one way leak ie. a joint is fluid tight under pressure be draws air on the return stroke.

Oddified - 9/3/14 at 02:35 PM

It's quite possible that it looks like the air bubbles are from the system but in fact it's air getting in past the bleed nipple threads and isn't actualy from the brake system itself. More so if you have long bleed pipe running down to the floor into a bottle.


40inches - 9/3/14 at 02:49 PM

Try wrapping the bleed nipple threads with PTFE tape (not the sealing taper though).

AntonUK - 9/3/14 at 02:54 PM

I had this on the wife's civic.

I put a load of grease around the threads of the bleed nipple while bleeding, its stoped air being pulled via the threads.

Once bleeding was done i just cleaned it off and jobs a goodun.

steve m - 9/3/14 at 03:02 PM

Good idea's and much better than Bt's suggstion !!

Bt, point noted, but hope its not as you suggest


britishtrident - 9/3/14 at 03:11 PM

Originally posted by AntonUK
I had this on the wife's civic.

I put a load of grease around the threads of the bleed nipple while bleeding, its stoped air being pulled via the threads.

Once bleeding was done i just cleaned it off and jobs a goodun.

Even a tiny ammount of hydrocarbon oil in a brake system will cause problems that won't show until a couple of years down the line.1

lmillin123 - 9/3/14 at 04:56 PM

Had the same fault with obp set up. Had 2 brand new master cylinders and kept getting air out the back pipes. Stripped master cyl and found seal had turned the wrong way. Cleaned and lightly greased on rebuild and hey presto.

steve m - 9/3/14 at 05:21 PM

Thanks, i did wonder the same


supersport31 - 18/3/14 at 11:12 PM

Have you tried cracking open any of the brake line joints while bleeding. A surprising amount of air can be lurking where the pipes join the master cylinder.

steve m - 19/3/14 at 07:15 AM

I have not tried that,
There is not much of a difference between the old setup, and the new, plus the front system is "EXACTLEY THE SAME"
and there does not appear to be any air in the front

but I did contact OBP. and asked them if they knew of anything I could of done was wrong
And they wanted the MC back asap, and would replace it FOC

hopefully will be waiting for me on in the post tonight


JAG - 19/3/14 at 10:31 AM

In two places on this thread people have admitted to mixing Mineral oil based products with brake fluid.


Stripped master cyl ..... Cleaned and lightly greased


a load of grease around the threads of the bleed nipple

I hope you're keeping a close eye on your brake systems because this Mineral oil will eventually damage the seals and leave you with jammed on brakes or no brakes at all.

Good luck everyone