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Rear drum sticking a bit
Norfolkluegojnr - 2/7/16 at 08:24 PM

Hi guys - just finishing of the Gemini prep for MOT.

Near side rear drum is a bit sticky - not all the way round, only at certain points of the rotation. You can still rotate by hand, but I think it'll fail.

It has the drums with the auto adjuster ratchet thing inside. When I set them all the way in, no problem. Then push brakes so they reset themselves, and I'm back to square one!

Any suggestions? Or is the drum warped? How much resistance is safe and acceptable?

ian locostzx9rc2 - 2/7/16 at 08:31 PM

Handbrake arm on the brake shoe sticking / seized

britishtrident - 2/7/16 at 08:42 PM

We could help more if you give info on the axle type barkes and linkage.
The standard Mk1/MK2 hand brake with the metal rod and rubber flap hinge on the NS is prone to issues with the NS brake because of design of the linkage.

ian locostzx9rc2 - 2/7/16 at 08:45 PM

O yes should of guess it's more than likely an escort axle not Sierra set up

Norfolkluegojnr - 2/7/16 at 08:48 PM

Sorry, yes standard escort setup, rod etc as BT rightly guessed.

Don't think it's that - I disconnected the handbrake to play with it, but it's possible I guess. What's the common flaw and how can I fix it? Simple clean and grease?

Edit to add: only rubbing after pumping the brake to reset the ratchet, so surely not handbrake?

[Edited on 2/7/16 by Norfolkluegojnr]

llionellis - 3/7/16 at 09:32 AM

More than likely the drum is oval and will need a light skim or replacement.

02GF74 - 3/7/16 at 11:11 AM

drum should rotate freely.

you mention escort rear brakes; I had similar on one of mine, turned out the adjuster was not free - been a while but you need to take the adjuster out and ensure it is free moving i.e. floppy - either mine was a bit rusty or slightly bent which cause it to jam.

britishtrident - 3/7/16 at 12:03 PM

The adjuster on the Mk2 setup should a have a tiny bit of free play to let it relax after it has ratched up give it a clean and very lightly lubricate.

mark chandler - 3/7/16 at 12:30 PM

You should also be able to see the high spots in the drum, gently dress with a flap wheel or similar.

DW100 - 3/7/16 at 03:44 PM

Sticking wheel cylinder? Give the pistons a poke with a screw driver and check they return freely.

gremlin1234 - 3/7/16 at 04:43 PM

worth trying to
remove drum, rotate 180 degrees, refit, and test.

Dingz - 3/7/16 at 11:09 PM

Or swap the drums over, if the other side sticks its probably oval, if the same side sticks its the adjuster?

Norfolkluegojnr - 4/7/16 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Dingz
Or swap the drums over, if the other side sticks its probably oval, if the same side sticks its the adjuster?

Thats a good idea.

I reckon its the drum to be honest, they're pretty old now, and it had stood for a while before I put it bakc on the road. I'll replace them both and see how we go.

Thanks as always guys.

Norfolkluegojnr - 6/7/16 at 07:55 AM

thanks again all - just to finish this off, it needed a new drum as it had 'ovaled'.

New drum on, and its all working lovely. I was even able to tighten the handbrake up a bit.

Back off to the MOT man now, fingers crossed I'll be on the roads come the afternoon.....