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Sequential gearbox on the cheap
Macca - 20/10/02 at 08:33 PM

I've been trying to decide/find the bike engine to power my locost so have been looking at lots of options. Don't ask why but was looking at a K-series BMW and found myself asking has anybody bolted the box out of one of these onto a car engine? Instant sequential box for a couple of hundred quid. They have a bell housing and clutch same as most cars, they output to a shaft and have a built in speed sensor and gear indicator.
Looks like a nice and easy setup and there are lots about.
Just a thought.

Stu16v - 20/10/02 at 08:51 PM

Good idea to begin with, but looking a bit further into it may reveal why. The bell housing will need converting to required engine. The clutch diameter is probably woefully inadequate to transmit the torque of the car engine in question. And would the box itself would be up to the job? And finally, no reverse.......if you wanted one you would need an electric jobbie as the prop length would probably be too short for a reverse box to be installed. You could push it, but you have got a car engine so its now a bit heavier.

Macca - 20/10/02 at 08:58 PM

The bike has got what is basically a car engine, 1000cc 16 v inline 4 just layed over on its side. The clutch I believe is around the 7-8 inch range which is big enough for anybody in my opinion, if you know what I mean!!!

wayner - 21/10/02 at 09:46 PM

Have a look at the ADR engineering site which is making the new 750MC budget racer, the engine is a BMW and he is quoting only 400 notes for a good runner, about 120 hp, very light, very reliable and they sound just like a car + they are developing a reverse gear modification. Cool bit of kit.