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sierra column
jeeby_man - 2/4/06 at 08:31 PM

anyone got any pics of a sierra column i can have a look at. just recieved one at the weekend and want to check a coupld of bits:

1. the connectors/bushes for the horn seem to have abit missing as they are just hanging down off thier springs at the moment

2. should the triangular profile of the column be tacked to the tubular part of the column (the collapsable bits)


dave-69isit - 2/4/06 at 08:40 PM

there should be a plastic guide for the springs

DavidM - 2/4/06 at 09:38 PM

From memory, the end of the tubular piece is formed into a triangle and has a plastic insert. The triangular piece is pressed into this. The two pieces are not tacked together.
It's just visible in this photo.

David Rescued attachment P6160006.jpg
Rescued attachment P6160006.jpg

real viking - 3/4/06 at 05:09 PM

Maybe this will help you Rescued attachment Dscf0030.jpg
Rescued attachment Dscf0030.jpg

jeeby_man - 3/4/06 at 06:47 PM

thanks for the help guys, its made things abiy clearer
don't suppose anyone has the plastic guide for the springs going spare?