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How to strip Sierra front upright??
ed_crouch - 15/4/06 at 03:50 PM

Fellas / Lasses,

I could do with removing the wheel flange and stub axle from the upright for cleaning, and wondered how you get them apart, as Sierras dont seem to have the usual hubnut-in-the-wheel-spigot arrangement.

The only thing I can think of Is that you prize off the cap round the back, and the hubnut is under there??

Once the hubnut is off, will I need a press to get them apart, or will it fall off in my hand, guvnah??



fesycresy - 15/4/06 at 03:57 PM

Take off the dust cover and hey presto.

Torqued very high so it'll need some effort, one should be a left hand thread.

ed_crouch - 15/4/06 at 04:01 PM

Ok. Thanks.

As another question, how do you counterhold the damn thing whilst giving it "the beans".

Theres a female Hex section in the outside, but im not sure id trust it with that kind of torque (plus ive never seen a male hex bit that size before!!!)

Any ideas?!?


muzchap - 15/4/06 at 04:02 PM

A strong VICE!!

And plenty of luck

They are 'handed' so make sure you are actually 'undoing' it rather than over tightening

Must say - I'm glad that whole process is over on my build - drove me mad



dave1888 - 15/4/06 at 05:25 PM

Get them along to kwik fit or similar and ask them to take the nut of with the airgun. remember they are left and right handed. If you use a vice remember to put the nuts on the studs so as not to damage the threads.

omega0684 - 15/4/06 at 06:12 PM

use lots of heat, i had my nuts under a blowtourch for 10 minutes used a 41mm socket, a heavy duty vice and a 6ft scaffolding pole! to get the drive flange out, just put a block of wood on the end of the flange and bash it out with a 2lb hammer,

job done!



James - 15/4/06 at 07:11 PM

Just clamp the hub (wheel nut threads and all) in a big vice!

The rears are handed.... but I'm not sure the fronts are!

No personal experience but I'm pretty sure that during a discussion on the relative merits of the handedness of the rears that someone like Liam said the fronts weren't handed.

Sorry to add confusion to the matters! Just saying double check the thread as I don't want you tightening one of them up!


auzziejim - 15/4/06 at 07:32 PM

pretty sure the fronts are handed, cant be 100% but i think mine were when i did them

SALAD - 15/4/06 at 09:20 PM

My fronts were definately handed....barstewards they were too!

omega0684 - 15/4/06 at 10:09 PM

Originally posted by CaLviNx
Originally posted by omega0684
i had my nuts under a blowtourch for 10 minutes

Ouch thats gotta hurt

i thought that someone would pick me up on that comment, i did notice after i posted but thought it would be a laugh if i left it on to see how long it would take for someone to pick me up on it

well done calvin, you win the mystery prize of an imaginary easter egg